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Dori Monson and Mathis Pest Control

neumann sennheiser

Inactive User
Just heard another of the many Dori Monson endorsements on KIRO, this one for Mathis (formerly Action) Pest Control.
In this one, Dori states repeatedly that he's personally had Mathis use their services on his home for three years now.
Some kind of epically chronic roach and/or vermin problem involved here by the inference of it.
I realize the real story is likely that there's regular maintenance service going on but, still....had to grin and shake my head.
I wonder if Dori has had to actually pay for anything in his home? His overly abundant and incessant endorsements on KIRO were major contributors to me tuning away from KIRO for news and talk. I just got sick of hearing the guys voice.
By inference, one has to assume roaches love the Monson Mansion. Just like a really successful Denny's.
I have to say, that I'm growing a bit weary of Dori and some OTHERS who constantly tout the freebies or heavily discounted products and services they enjoy. Some of them arent just doing a spot, they're shoving the fact that they have it and you dont.
I know broadcaster testimonials are generally an effective sell, but to have it stuck in your face in such a way all the time is a bit much. Not long ago, Monson smugly went down a checklist of all the nice goodies he gets for his endorsements. It started with cars he gets, carried on with cabinet work and eventually ended with pest control. Quite a list.
neumann sennheiser said:
Just heard another of the many Dori Monson endorsements on KIRO, this one for Mathis (formerly Action) Pest Control.
In this one, Dori states repeatedly that he's personally had Mathis use their services on his home for three years now.
Some kind of epically chronic roach and/or vermin problem involved here by the inference of it.
I realize the real story is likely that there's regular maintenance service going on but, still....had to grin and shake my head.

"Some kind of epically chronic roach and/or vermin problem"

In three years, yeah, that's a REALLY BAD problem. Did he even proofread his own endorsement? Pest control endorsements are not like a barber shop's.....
Wonderfulwino said:
I have to say, that I'm growing a bit weary of Dori and some OTHERS who constantly tout the freebies or heavily discounted products and services they enjoy. Some of them arent just doing a spot, they're shoving the fact that they have it and you dont.
I know broadcaster testimonials are generally an effective sell, but to have it stuck in your face in such a way all the time is a bit much. Not long ago, Monson smugly went down a checklist of all the nice goodies he gets for his endorsements. It started with cars he gets, carried on with cabinet work and eventually ended with pest control. Quite a list.

One has to hope that the IRS treats it ALL as income. Of course IRS is not fond of taking trade for THEIR payment...they want the old fashioned cash. Makes ya wonder...
You can bet that Bonneville treats anything he gets as income. THEY don't want IRS problems...and these kinds of 'freebies' are like the car sales guys demos...they are much less common than they used to be.
It's been awhile but not THAT long ago ... I received a fair share of endorsement goodies and never declared or had it noted by the employer. And these were chains, not little stand alones.

In the distant past, I would fire off on "Doris" Monson - the endless endorsements, the endless "I'm a tough guy" statements (from a pudgy, aging jock wannabe), the inspid Seahawk pre-game palaver where it's obvious he's a jock sniffer ... and onandon.

Glad to see a few others agree these days.

Funny how there's so much anti-Doris stuff yet no rants about Dave Ross or even much with Ron & Don. Monson is a constant irritant, the radio equivalent of Dan Savage - constantly needing to be in the limelight, crowing and pounding the lectern about something.

There. Now I feel better ...
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