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Judiciary Committee Impeachment Hearings

They're on again today on CBS, NBC, and ABC. As usual WBBJ ABC 7.1 in Jackson, TN is breaking away to carry Jeopardy and local news, and it's very likely they'll break for news on CBS 7.3 as well. I still think there will be more stations to break away during local times or move the hearings to a subchannel if these keep going for a ridiculous amount of time. I know the House hearings may end soon but then the Senate trial could be coming up so this still could go on until Spring.
I haven't been watching or listener to the Impeachment Hearings of Donald Trump, I know the WGN Radio in Chicago has them up on their website where people can listen to to them if they chose to, but it is even getting me to wonder or even doubt if he will be impeached, but it is weird how they use the term. As sitting presidents they aren't kicked out of office right away, as they have to guppy's up on trail, and th the senators hear the case and they decided for themselves, to find that president guilt or not guilty, and the ones that will vote guilty on the ones that the ones in the opposite party as the president.
What I find interesting is the comments made by politicians. From the perspective of having been chosen to be a juror for a trial once, the rhetoric is telling. The Republicans are shouting innocence and generally implying there doesn't need to be an investigation. They imply the other side has no evidence and just trying to create problems.. On the Democrat side, I actually saw a representative going on about how the president was guilty and then summed up by saying the president deserved a fair 'trial' and the Democrats were trying to do so. I thought back to being selected as a juror. If I said the guy was guilty but I'm for him having a fair trial, I never would have been selected as a juror. Likewise, if I implied the guy was innocent and the charges were brought just to give him a problem, I would not have served on that jury. So, if those that determine if impeachment goes forward, how can it be fair if both sides have their minds made up beforehand? I understand the Senate will determine the outcome but isn't the House acting as jury in determining if there is enough evidence to send it to the Senate?
So, if those that determine if impeachment goes forward, how can it be fair if both sides have their minds made up beforehand?

You asked several good questions, but this one caught my attention. In a real trial, care is taken so as not to poison the jury pool. The jury is told not to see news coverage of the case they're deciding. Both sides have an opportunity to reject jury members if they feel one or more is biased against their side. We have a situation where some Senators have announced how they'll vote. If I'm prosecuting this case, those jurors should be rejected. We'll see how the Chief Justice, who will preside over this trial, responds to that.
You asked several good questions, but this one caught my attention. In a real trial, care is taken so as not to poison the jury pool. The jury is told not to see news coverage of the case they're deciding. Both sides have an opportunity to reject jury members if they feel one or more is biased against their side. We have a situation where some Senators have announced how they'll vote. If I'm prosecuting this case, those jurors should be rejected. We'll see how the Chief Justice, who will preside over this trial, responds to that.

Had any senators -- Dem or GOP -- announced their intentions before the House sent them the articles of impeachment against Clinton?
In a real trial, care is taken so as not to poison the jury pool. The jury is told not to see news coverage of the case they're deciding. Both sides have an opportunity to reject jury members if they feel one or more is biased against their side. We have a situation where some Senators have announced how they'll vote. If I'm prosecuting this case, those jurors should be rejected. We'll see how the Chief Justice, who will preside over this trial, responds to that.

Furthermore, in a real trial, the defendant does not have meetings with the jury.
Hi all.Thank goodness for the Thanksgiving break reprieve.At lease the nets recoup some funds with the football,parades and other holiday programing...I notice yesterday the nets are cutting back on the hearings.Today on CBS The Price is Right was on at 11am.I dont know about Lets Make A Deal at 10am...
Actually there aren't any hearings to cover. They just had yesterday, and there will be another day next week. So far that's it.

Thanks TheBigA.. Ok I was not sure about today but yesterdays hearings must of been short since I tuned in midpoint on the Kelly Clarkson show after 2;30pm. If I had any time I would tune in the hearings when they first start.It will be like jury duty and getting a civics course for free .........

Article note that Syndicated shows are getting hit by Congressional hearings.

Ratings for daytime shows in the week ending Nov. 24 were dramatically skewed by massive preemptions for the impeachment hearings on three of the five weekdays. In fact, the preemptions were so extensive that some programs counted only two days — Monday and Friday — in their weekly averages.

In access, Jeopardy, without super contestant James Holzhauer competing, declined 13% to a 6.3 live-plus-same-day national Nielsen rating and landed in a three-way tie for first place with Wheel of Fortune and season-to-date leader Judge Judy, although Judy was tops in the key women 25-54 demo.

The winning Judy rating was most impressive, since on Nov. 19 alone it lost its primary run in numerous markets, including five of the top 20.

Unlike most strips with heavy preemptions, the courtroom queen was able to score a big number without getting the benefit of any days being broken out of its weekly average.

Article note that Syndicated shows are getting hit by Congressional hearings.

Judy takes a big hit because most markets air it in the morning or afternoon, although late-afternoon airings should not have been impacted too much. WCBS New York airs it starting at 4:00, which is often after the hearing coverage ends (I think only one day with coverage to date went past 4:00 Eastern, to 6:00).

Jeopardy!, despite being known for its coupling with Wheel of Fortune, airs in the morning or afternoon in most of the Central and Mountain Time Zone. Like Judy, most air it after most hearing broadcasts end (WLS Chicago airs it at 4:30 ET/3:30 CT), but it was definitely impacted in some markets like Houston where it airs on ABC O&O KTRK at 12:30 ET/11:30 CT.

This benefits Wheel of Fortune because it has a prime access time slot mandate - stations are only allowed to schedule it at 7:00 or 7:30 PM ET/PT, and 6:00 or 6:30 CT/MT (very few of these air it at 6:00 because of local news, hence why J! is forced to move up to daytime), and stations rarely move it earlier when the time slot is pre-empted because it is generally not allowed without special permission (although KHOU Houston aired WOF at 12:00 PM CT on Thanksgiving before NFL). WOF especially saw a ratings benefit from the Brett Kavanaugh hearings in 2017, as the Big Three all ran their coverage until 7:00 PM Eastern, the earliest time slot for WOF in the US (Canada gets it as early as 3:30 ET), so it was not impacted at all by that coverage, and it caused WOF to top the syndie game show ratings for the first time in about a year and half (it is now almost always third to Jeopardy! and Family Feud).
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