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Marty the Stop and Shop Robot provides alibi for murder suspect?

In May 2019 a mother of 5 from Connecticut disappeared and was possibly murdered. The prime suspect of course is her estranged husband. A secondary suspect is the estranged husband's now ex girlfriend. This story has made headlines nationwide. Now the ex girlfriend claims to have an alibi. Her alibi? Marty the Stop and Shop Robot. The ex girlfriend now clams at the time and date the mother disappeared she was shopping at Stop and Shop and she took selfies with Marty The Stop and Shop Robot and that's her alibi.

Keep an eye on Marty (a big waste of about $32,000 per store) and see how "he" acts for his first birthday party this weekend! :rolleyes:
If the timing can be independently audited and verified she may have a point. Other evidence which may have further collaborated her claim, like store video is likely no longer retained.
If she was involved in the murder what is to say that she didn't already plan the selfies with the robot and time everything accordingly? Fortunately we still live in a society in which murder is taken seriously, and there is no such thing as the perfect murder; however, there might be such a thing as being found out but getting away with it perfectly. She'll be found out if she was involved.
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