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Mass Shooting Reported in Thailand




Apparently there are reports that the suspected Mass Shooter/Killer in Thailand has broadcasted the mass shooting on facebook while he is accused of killing 20 people. Note Death Counts might change in subsequent updates.

A soldier shot multiple people in northeastern Thailand on Saturday, killing at least 20 people while live-streaming part of the rampage, and was holed up in a popular shopping mall, authorities said. At least 31 people were wounded.

Police commandos were searching the mall for the shooter, and police said they had secured the building from the ground floor up. Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said there were no more bodies left inside. But he added, "we don't know whether there are any additional injuries or deaths or not."

Anutin said a doctor was shot while helping an injured person. It also was not clear whether the gunman had taken hostages inside the mall or how many people might still be inside.

The man believed to be the gunman posted updates to his Facebook page during the rampage with statements including "No one can escape death" and "Should I give up?" In a later post he wrote, "I have stopped already."

In one Facebook video -- since deleted -- the assailant, wearing an army helmet, filmed from an open jeep saying, "I'm tired... I can't pull my finger anymore" and making a trigger symbol with his hand, AFP reported.

His profile picture shows him in a mask and dressed in military-style fatigues and armed with a pistol. The background image is of a handgun and bullets.



Apparently there are reports that the suspected Mass Shooter/Killer in Thailand has broadcasted the mass shooting on facebook while he is accused of killing 20 people. Note Death Counts might change in subsequent updates.

if this had happened in the US, we would all go "again" or "not another mass shooting" and do our mass shooting cycle of react, mourn, demand gun control law changes and then repeat it all over when we move on to the next one. but it's horrible that it happened in Thailand, my thoughts and prayers and condolences to the victims and their families. I'm sure laws will change quickly over there unlike here.
I believe Thailand already has rather strict gun control laws.

Reinforces the basic fact that people who do mass shootings are, by nature, not law abiding.
Tossing a gun charge onto 20+ capital murder charges does nothing to faze them.
I believe Thailand already has rather strict gun control laws.

They're not much stricter than in the US. Guns are licensed, and you must have a job to buy a gun.

None of the mass shooters in the US had previous criminal records. So to say they're "not law abiding" is incorrect.

According to the article in the OP, the shooter in this case was a soldier. What do you do when soldiers or former soldiers go on a rampage?
None of the mass shooters in the US had previous criminal records. So to say they're "not law abiding" is incorrect.

That's a puzzling statement. You can't commit a mass murder and be law abiding at the same time.

Though it does point out the #1 problem with background checks. They only turn up people who have had priors.
That's a puzzling statement. You can't commit a mass murder and be law abiding at the same time.

Though it does point out the #1 problem with background checks. They only turn up people who have had priors.

Very true, and there is no way to predict when a seemingly "normal" person is going to snap, or, if the shooting turns out to have been premeditated, know what that person had been thinking in the weeks or months leading up to it. And there's where you get the ongoing stalemate between the Second Amendment/personal privacy side and the side that sees tougher gun laws and/or increase government monitoring as, if not a 100 percent surefire way to eliminate the shootings, then at least to stop a substantial number of them from ever taking place. Problem is, how do you quantify the latter numbers. If I say background checks prevented X number of mass shootings last year and point to data (if any exists) showing all the people who were stopped from buying a gun when their background checks came up bad, someone else can always say "How do you know all of them were going to shoot large numbers of people with those guns?" or "How many of those people went on to buy guys in the black market?" or, on the other side, "How about all those people who were thinking about buying a gun but didn't because they knew the background check would signal the dealer that they couldn't?"
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