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Need Help Lost it all

In February of this year, lightning hit my home in Georgia. Everyone but the dog got out, but he spared his life to save ours. The home was a total loss, and it's taken everything we've had to rebuild, but some things just can not be replaced. I've been in radio for about 30 years and I had everything from Jingles to books of Compact Discs and 2 hard drives full of every format you could think of, except for Beautiful Music, through no fault of my own.
I've lost all of this including my most prized possession The Great American County Jingle Packages that someone who use to work at Drake sent me on CD they took me back to what I have loved the most the production of what a radio station was. I think Drake did it better than anyone else.

If anyone has any idea of how I can obtain bits and pieces of this I would be forever in your debt. All of that wonderful rich history is gone and I miss it like you could not believe.

I can be reached at

[email protected]
Yes, very sorry to hear about your misfortune.

Lightning hit my parents' house and while not totally destroyed, the event was quite frightening.
One of the chimneys actually blew apart, throwing bricks as far as 50 feet away, damaging a
neighbor's house and a car in their driveway. It started a fire on the third floor which, while contained,
did quite a bit of damage and destroyed the doll collection my mom had accumulated.

Neighbors who actually saw the strike happen say it was like something out of a Hollywood disaster movie.
This is an excellent lesson for those of us who have collections of recordings we value.

Always make backup copies (portable hard drives are excellent for this purpose) and store them off-site. A trusted neighbor's house is usually good enough but if you live in hurricane or tornado alley or your neighborhood is subject to flooding then opt for a safe deposit box at your neighborhood bank. Or use cloud storage.
Looking for Drake Jingles

Looking to get a copy of Jingles that I lost due to a fire. I had the full recording dub of Drake Chenault's Great American Country, which were my all-time favorite Jingle Package. I would love to have another copy of those, but if anyone has any Jingle packages I'd love to have a copy, always been a jingle junkie.

Thank you.

Steve Carr
[email protected]
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