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Why won't Renda simulcast KOMA on 1520?

After looking at the latest ratings, Sep-Oct-Nov, and seeing KOKC stuck in 1.0-land why won't Renda pull the plug on talk and bring back the KOMA simulcast? Is Renda using 1520 to attack KTOK? It doesn't seem to be working well. It sure would be nice for those of us in the Midwest to hear KOMA again.
Probably because there's no money in it. When KOMA was a simulcast, virtually all of the OKC audience was listening on FM. So long as they're not sinking too much money into local talent and are just running barter shows, anything they can make off of 1520 is money they wouldn't have if they were simulcasting.
Actually, no. Before Arbitron started not allowing stations that simulcast MOST of the time to count it as a simulcast, Vance sold nights to preachers and snakeoil people. It was said he was dragging in a million a year off the pay-before-you-pray and adding the 1.? to KOMA-FMs numbers, moving them a rank or two higher, which helped the "combo" be even more successul. Arbitron changed the rules and therefore Tony went newsralk. The truth is Arbitron did no one a favor by chaning the rules. Wwls cannot run two games now (one on am an one on fm) because of this stupid rule. Arbitron would do the world a big favor when it comes to public service like local football gme coverage and stuff like that if they'd go back to the old rules on simulcast.
Money aside, it was sure nice hearing "The Big 1520" all those years even as a simulcast.
It was a sad passing of an era for me when the music died...
Oh well time marches on. Congrats to the folks at Renda including Mr. Jones for continuing the legend on FM.
When I pass through OKC the dial is set on KOMA-FM until I cross the Red River....
I was truely sad when the am left music. It was almost as sad as the abandonment of the old studio building. We were happy to get much needed new equipment, but it was truely terrible to end the heritage of the old place and all it's history. 1998 was the first time the main building (old part) had not been used somehow for broadcasting since 1946. I'd love to see them go back to 50-50s since the fm has went so far away from oldies anyway
There was a lot of history in the old building for sure. I believe it was where the legendary Charlie Tuna first did a show as Charlie Tuna along with many more who have slipped my memory. I do remember the thrill I got when I was invited down for an interview for a position in the mid 70's. If I recall correctly there were emblems on the front doors that read something along the lines of "50 Years of Service 1520 KOMA", and like I said this was back in the 70's...
Still wish I could have cracked a mic on that monster after sunset just to say "hey" to the great southwest LOL...
One thing that was always amazing to me as a young broadcaster was how short the towers were in relation to the width. Now with 40 additional years of experience later I understand resonate antennas and current distribution. The site still is a fine landmark on the south side coming in on I-35. About the oldies, yes it would be fun if Renda ran a 50's-60's service, but alas it's not an art form it's a business...

Meanwhile I'll go back and dream of PAMS Jingles, Ampliphase transmitters, Sta-Levels, Volumax, RCA DX-77 microphones and Gates consoles.
Best to all

Dream about the other stuff, but leave the Amplifuzz xmtr out of the mix. KOMA's old Continental sure sounded good! And the reverb. "Yours Truly KOMAaaaa."
I just retired a 50kw 317c-2 recently, it was sad to see it go. But it served us well.
I'll add the Fairchild Reverbitron to the dreaming list as noted.
When you compare it to Tulsa, OKC is just not a strong talk radio market.

I guess KOKC is surviving because 1) they are making $$$ off the brokered programming, or 2) 1520 is doing much better in the ratings with male or older demos..
The truth is that 1520 as a talk station never has amounted to much of anything regardless if Tony and friends will admit it or not. Several good people have came and went though that property and, for various reasons including a terrible PD during it's launch, have been unable to really even put a dent in KTOK's ratings. If I were Tony (thank God I'm not), I'd consider accepting the defeat and program something else there. I'm not 70 and set in my ways so he'll do what he wants to with HIS stations. (more like the bank's, but whatever.) It's sad to waste a 50 on less than 2 percent of OKC, but I guess it is as it is.
But it sure would be a nice "dream" for us old school top 40 people to hear KOMA at 1520 and KOKC back in Guthrie. Wonder about John Rook's new "Hit Parade" format launching in a month or so? I heard the demo online and it does have a lot of "Oh Wow" musical content...
Of course the ad agency buys are focused on 25-49, but there is a lot of "free" cash in the 49 plus demo if someone has the will to work the client base for it.
Just dreaming out loud for the fun of it.
Just ran across this thread. Was good to read about KOMA 1520. I miss it as well. The 1520 signal starts fading into Dallas County about 2 hours before sunset. It was always nice to hear music on it. (I think it was Country for a time as well as it's Top 40 & Oldies eras. I mostly heard it as an oldies station.) Passing through OKC on the way to Bartlesville in May of 1999 (Was working for Phillips 66 at the time) a friend & I got an impromtu tour of the transmitter site & directions to the new location of the studios. I think it hadn't been long since they moved. Arriving at the studios we got to visit with (he was either the MD or the PD. I think he was the PD.) It was a nice visit & they seemed impressed to have a listener from Dallas dropping by. We left with a good bit of KOMA paraphenalia. Most of which I still have.
Count me in, I loved listening to the Saturday Morning Countdown show on KOMA AM 1520... In the wintertime, I could almost listen to the whole show in Las Vegas (with the time difference and the sun coming up later). The interference I had was from the station located on the California coast near Santa Barbara, otherwise, KOMA came in like a local station after sunset-thru the night until sunrise! And yes, they did the 50's & 60's right, with a mix of the lesser heard songs...
From what I remember KOMA 1520 began phasing in a lot more oldies into their Top 40 mix around 1979-80, and eventually went all oldies for a short time. I used to have a cassette of KOMA around this time, but I cant find it in my collection anymore.

In 1982 they became "KOMA Country" and that lasted until 1985.

In 1985 they became a Nostalgia station running automated or satellite "Music of Your Life" programming until the fall of 1988 when they went full-time oldies.

1520 is pretty much now a aural billboard.. we have a bunch of stations like that in Dallas. Got cash? We'll put it on the air even if only 50 people are listening.
It's a shame to have a Powerhouse Legendary Station like "AM 15-20 K-O-M-AAA", cater to being paid for infomercials and religious programming. I just tune the dial past them... At least if they simulcast the FM side on KOKC, they would have one more listener.
Back in the 50's the only Tucson Rock n Roller (KTKT) was a daytimer so after dinner the teens tuned in 1520 and cruised Speedway listening to the then-Top-40. Sure there was some static but not much more than the rods of the day put out with their solid copper core ignition wiring.

A few years ago I made a coast-to-coast trip and was looking forward to hearing the great tunes for lots of miles but, alas, only BS burble coming from 1520. Matter of fact, except for some south-of-the-border blowtorch featuring Lars Larson I couldn't find anything at all on AM except Spanish language stuff and the reverb almost made me dizzy.

We had a great couple of years with KOMA. Sorry they're gone. :(
I truly don't understand the mindset behind these owners who want to put talk radio on these heritage blowtorches. It's happened to a number of them, including 2 of the big ones in Oklahoma: 1520 and 1170.

It's sad on a number of levels.

I would LOVE to see 1170 fall back into the hands of local owners who would put a TRUE Classic Country locally-programmed format on, and would love to see 1520 fall into the hands of a programmer (Kent Jones??) who will bring it back to it's former greatness. I don't see how they would do any worse ratings-wise than they are now.
It's sadder that they dumped the old call letters. :mad:

Both KOMA-AM and KVOO-AM could have existed with talk radio. And switching to KOKC did NOTHING to improve 1520's ratings.

Like the old cliche goes "talk is CHEAP".
billyg said:
It's sadder that they dumped the old call letters. :mad:

Both KOMA-AM and KVOO-AM could have existed with talk radio. And switching to KOKC did NOTHING to improve 1520's ratings.

Like the old cliche goes "talk is CHEAP".

I'm actually glad both stations switched calls. Would want the heritage calls to be tainted by that talk crap.
The saddest part is the owner is actually sort of proud of himself for owning such a lousy mess of programming. He can't see that putting the am back to 50-60s would not only improve his return on that stick but it would also give him sort of a way to advance the fm property past being just an "old people" station. Oh well. Maybe someday he will get tired of paying the light bill on the thing and sell it to someone that cares when things get tighter and he's looking at his hold card. That's the real problem with cluster radio. There's always at least one neglected kicking dog in a group. 1520 is Renda's.
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