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Are they Sirius?

V-Chimp is on the fringe. He loves to go to the AC & easy listening boards and "enlighten" everyone on his personal musical tastes, and how everyone else's is somehow inferior. Whatever. He's always good for a laugh. Except we all laugh at him, not with him.

The great thing is nowadays there are stations, channels and services that can cater to everyone's musical preferences. Sirius/XM works great for many businesses and restaurants. They sell business subscriptions that pay all the ASCAP/BMI fees. Restaurants can switch the music on the fly to fit the clientele and time of day, just like with the old Muzak and DMX services. One of the restaurants I go to often mixes it up between the Coffeehouse, the Blend and the Pulse depending on the situation.

Although I doubt there would be anything on satellite radio that V-Chimp would be satisfied with. He'd probably be spamming the e-mail box of the PD of 50's on 5 telling him he plays too much Elvis Presley....
fmradio1 said:
V-Chimp is on the fringe.
That's probably much kinder than what some managers or employees have probably muttered about him if he's ever done half of the complaining he claims.

fmradio1 said:
The great thing is nowadays there are stations, channels and services that can cater to everyone's musical preferences. Sirius/XM works great for many businesses and restaurants. They sell business subscriptions that pay all the ASCAP/BMI fees. Restaurants can switch the music on the fly to fit the clientele and time of day, just like with the old Muzak and DMX services. One of the restaurants I go to often mixes it up between the Coffeehouse, the Blend and the Pulse depending on the situation.

Honestly though, I actually never knew (or forgot) of this particular satellite radio use versus piping in the local FM station.
fmradio1 said:
Although I doubt there would be anything on satellite radio that V-Chimp would be satisfied with. He'd probably be spamming the e-mail box of the PD of 50's on 5 telling him he plays too much Elvis Presley....
Never! You can never have too much Elvis.

I would probably enjoy Siriusly Sinatra, the 40s on 4 and Willie's Place. I know I would like Escape because the man in charge has defended that channel against changes the people in charge want to make.
PirateJohnny said:
vchimpanzee said:
...because they should be going to the grocery to shop, not listen to music.

So, why don't you?
Going back to the way things were when they first switched to vocal music in the store, demanding that the music be turned down or off was intended to accomplish just that. There's no sense in being driven crazy just because I want to go to the grocery store. They don't run a lot of ads any more, but they should have more consideration for their customers than for the advertisers who want their messages heard.
Greg Goodfellow said:
And I won't put up with garbage like that at my grocery store. They've been through this before. They will do what I say. When they were reluctant, I just mentioned I would add to the voices who say that in the area immediately surrounding the headquarters city, they have a monopoly and don't have to treat the customers right. So they know to treat me right.

Sir, I'm sure you're a very nice man, but...wow...I'm speechless.
I can be nice, and usually am. The employees who have worked at my usual store for years are quite friendly to me. And I really believe now that this is genuine.

There have been too many new people lately, though, and I have to say no when they start putting my stuff in a plastic bag without even asking. I have no use for the things and as long as I am in a store that provides them, only paper bags will do. They stand up (usually) instead of falling over and can be easily used to dispose of trash (no Hefty bags for me, and those are bad for the environment). And I can use them in other ways for which plastic bags wouldn't work.

I also have to make sure they put my biscuits and cheese in with the refrigerated stuff. One time I forgot to take the biscuits out of a bag I didn't know they were in. I took them back a day later and they were replaced because, after all, the employees didn't put them in the right bag. I know, I know, but that's not the way I do things. When "Bewitched" was on at 1:00 it was even worse. I rushed to get the groceries in and then just forgot about the bags that didn't have refrigerated stuff.

I could be nicer. And I should. The music is at a respectable volume level and, while other things cause me stress, at least that is not added.

By the way, I go to the dentist tomorrow. I think I will get what I am looking for there. The classical station solved its signal problem.
You must so money and the grocery and dentist that they are really afraid of losing you as a customer.
Yesterday at the dentist, while there was country music (or what passes for it) in the lobby, I was taken back to a room without music. I really needed the quiet to feel more relaxed. You can't really be relaxed with what they do every six months (or in my case every year, though I had a problem in December that required a visit). I don't understand why people have a problem with my being happy. As I waited in the lobby, I was much more content with the numerous commercials than with the so-called music that followed.

On the other hand, as I paid my bill and made my next appointment, "Mama's Broken Heart" was playing. Now THAT'S more like it!

I went to a different branch of my bank than my usual one, and the music was obviously not "professional" but it was at a respectable volume, unlike the bank I visited that had Sirius where it was almost blasting.
I never pay as much attention as Vchimp to whatever Muzak the places I go play, though I do think some of them can make me unnerved. My town's mall likes to play Italian disco songs (including the extended version of "Don't Cry Tonight") during most of the time and decrepit American Christmas songs on December. Now that's annoying! :D
That bank with Sirius plays some kind of instrumental music--not ideal but at least better--when you get put on hold.

I was calling to ask about their history since the bank is about to go out of existence due to a merger and they haven't gotten good coverage of their history in the newspaper.
Who said you were the "only" one?

Businesses cater to the masses (of their ideal customers), and most (rightly) cannot and will not appease the handful on the fringes.
Okay, now THIS is ridiculous. I walked into a nursing home yesterday and there was this noise (some would call it music) coming from somewhere. I just assumed there was a TV on somewhere. I visited the man I came there to see and went back to the lobby and was still hearing that noise. I looked in several rooms and couldn't find the source of that noise. Then I saw it! A box of some kind with the numbers "104.7" on the front.

A nursing home? Really? Now there was SOFT AC playing throughout the building when my grandmother lived in a nursing home. I haven't been there lately but I sincerely hope they found something else to play, if anything, at that place, because that same station went through the evolution ACs have gone through during those years.

Now in defense of whoever put that box in the lobby, there's only one station in the area, AM or FM, that would approach the type of pop music that would actually appeal to this audience, but it too gets loud at times. But by no stretch of the imagination do you call most ACs these days "soft", so the logic is lost on me. It's not even where the employees can really hear it. Well, maybe they can.

Another nursing home I visit had Muzak's City Lights (conservative smooth jazz) all over but lately I never hear music anywhere in the building.
Okay, now THIS is ridiculous. I walked into a nursing home yesterday and there was this noise (some would call it music) coming from somewhere. I just assumed there was a TV on somewhere. I visited the man I came there to see and went back to the lobby and was still hearing that noise. I looked in several rooms and couldn't find the source of that noise. Then I saw it! A box of some kind with the numbers "104.7" on the front.

A nursing home? Really? Now there was SOFT AC playing throughout the building when my grandmother lived in a nursing home. I haven't been there lately but I sincerely hope they found something else to play, if anything, at that place, because that same station went through the evolution ACs have gone through during those years.

Now in defense of whoever put that box in the lobby, there's only one station in the area, AM or FM, that would approach the type of pop music that would actually appeal to this audience, but it too gets loud at times. But by no stretch of the imagination do you call most ACs these days "soft", so the logic is lost on me. It's not even where the employees can really hear it. Well, maybe they can.

Another nursing home I visit had Muzak's City Lights (conservative smooth jazz) all over but lately I never hear music anywhere in the building.

The logic being lost on you is fine. If it works for the employees who chose that station, then all is well and good. So you heard a radio in a lobby--so what? There's nothing that says every inch of every building you happen to enter needs to play music that suits your rigid definitions of what is or isn't appropriate.
I want to comment about something you said earlier: From what I understand, if they had played Elvis, beyond, say "Loving You" in the 1950s, in the places you describe, the proprietors would likely be arrested for inciting to riot! You don't remember that because you aren't old enough, something that continues to astound me!
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