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Does SiriusXM have a mainstream AC anymore?

I've got SXM in all but one of our vehicles and managed to get what amounts to a bulk rate. If I drive the one that doesn't have it, I'll just use Bluetooth(tm) from my phone and the SXM app. When we were on vacation in Hawaii a couple of years ago, my wife and I were able to listen to the Seahawks broadcast via the SXM app to the rental car with Apple Carplay.
The access to live sports play by play for virtually every major league professional team by itself makes SXM a terrific value proposition, in my opinion!

I can pull up those broadcasts via SXM apps on my phone and on my smart TV and also via the Denon HEOS app on my phone.

Very convenient, especially when traveling.
The access to live sports play by play for virtually every major league professional team by itself makes SXM a terrific value proposition, in my opinion!

I can pull up those broadcasts via SXM apps on my phone and on my smart TV and also via the Denon HEOS app on my phone.

Very convenient, especially when traveling.
Exactly. I moved out of the listening area for my favorite MLB team about a dozen years ago. The fact I can listen to Tigers games anywhere I go alone makes it worth the cost.
Mosaic actually plays a lot of songs I don't hear much on terrestrial radio (same goes for The Blend and a lot of other SiriusXM stations for that matter). And pretty much all of the songs regularly played on terrestrial AC stations can be heard *somewhere* on the SXM dial. Remember that unlike terrestrial radio, SiriusXM's stations aren't in competition with each other, and their business model encourages you to flip around. If you want more currents, there's always their Hot AC offering, The Pulse.

I do have to admit that I miss when there were more "yakky DJ's" (and jingles) - and more objectively, I feel like the de-emphasis of personality elements makes them stand out less from other national music services. Even disregarding the competition, I feel like there are plenty of options on the SXM app and co-owned Pandora if you want "just music" - no need to also water down the presentations of the main channels. Still, the variety of music and the greater ease of use compared to in-car streaming is enough to keep me subscribed.

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