I was watching the Falcon – Bears game OTA yesterday on WAGA Fox 5 in Atlanta. The fake crowd noise turned up so loud that I could not hear the announcers most of the time. The following game’s the prerecorded crowd noise was high but at least you could hear the play by play team most of the time. Is this a “special” audio feed for OTA in Atlanta or was crowd noise too high for everybody? I realize this was not the game of the week so the “first team” technical crew was not here. Isn’t there someone who listens to what is leaving the sight or listening to the game at the studio to make sure the commercials are correct? I can only guess everything is automated but don’t they set up the audio levels and test them before the game. It sounded like to me they had the crowd noise level as “normal” and the announcers 10 or 20 DB lower. In the past when there where folks in the stands you could always hear the play by play guys even when the fans went wild.