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it must be very boring to be a jock these days on AC, HOT AC, CHR & other
stations. Jocks hardly are allowed to speak except to read liners written by the
genius PD. Some am---drive shows are an exception but they are generallly
full of inane, childish attempts at humor. its not surprising that some stations just use
low paid voicetrackers or are reallly cheap & use no jocks at alll.
There are times when I want to agree with what you posted. And then there are times I think maybe you and I don't get to see the big picture.

Maybe the jocks get to participate in sessions with consultants, industry experts and psychologists and they have an understanding of what the audience wants, what the audience will tolerate, and you and I basically know what WE want.

Maybe the jock is anything but bored. If he/she works in a cluster, there may be the tearing out of hair as they move from channel to channel to channel figuring out the appropriate thing to say to each audience.

Yes, maybe some voice trackers a really cheap and low paid. Maybe some are very, very well paid because they are skilled, they have sat through all the meetings and training I mentioned two points back.
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