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Paul McCartney concert

One place you can find Paul's new music is America's Best Music. Some of the songs actually are standards but others would be more at home on AC, though not necessarily today's version of the format.

Most of the songs he performed at the concert were Beatles songs and Wings songs. What new stuff he sang I would describe as 90's/00's version of AC (like this station: www.softneasy.com) than today's version of AC.
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I suppose there will always be know-it-all wearing suits who'll insist on dictating to people what they should and shouldn't listen to. And, they'll claim that they're trying to make your life better by providing a valuable service. It's all bullshit.

First of all, stop the cussing or the mods might ban you.

Now, there are no suits dictating stuff at Pandora. Streams you make are totally your control, which is why I'm a fan of it.
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One place you can find Paul's new music is America's Best Music. Some of the songs actually are standards but others would be more at home on AC, though not necessarily today's version of the format.

This Linkedin description of this station hits the nail on the head on how I listen to these Internet AC stations: http://www.linkedin.com/company/k-lite-online
I'm one of those listeners they mention who enjoys some new artists but love hearing my older favorites in a soft rock setting (as opposed to Classic Hits or Oldies or Standards.)
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