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The all powerful disney company.

So far, this is related to a media company that also produces TV programming and entertainment products that affect radio and TV. So discussing the way government regulates various aspects of it is reasonably relevant.
Thanks David. I was referring to the 2 news items I posted above, including the one about the lawmaker resigning in shame. I didn't realize this thread wasn't under the political section or I'd probably have posted that story specifically elsewhere.

//Resume thread//
It sounds like Florida wanted the Disney operation so badly long ago that they gave up responsibilities and functions that seldom are granted to private entities.

That's not exactly true. Those functions and responsibilities were not being handled by anyone. This was unexcavated land. There was no garbage collection because no garbage was created. No streets, no sewers, no electric. This is not unusual for companies that try to do what Disney did. They created a lot of infrastructure expense, and they took on that expense themselves. They own the fire engines, they own the security, they own the infrastructure. If that is now to be taken over by the state, they should receive payment for their property, and that's not being addressed.

But you ignored my comment about socialism. There are no residents in the Reedy Creek district. There are no "public" functions. There is the theme park. They want to take over control of this private theme park. That is socialism. On top of that, this entire issue happened because the governor objected to the free speech that was expressed by the company CEO. So this privatization isn't being done in the "public interest," but to serve a private vendetta.
Th anti-woke brigade is now angry that Disney is changing Splash Mountain to avoid connections with "Song Of The South:"

A bill is now being prepared that would give the governor the authority to appoint the board members who oversee the Reedy Creek district. This way, he gets to have control without changing the debt situation. So Disney still has the debt, but the state would have the ability to impose taxes and Florida laws.

The problem I see is that Disney itself has no representation on the board. Disney has played it cards close to the vest. They could have sued the state on the basis of the 1st amendment. They could have sued on the basis of reneging on the original deal. Lots of reasons for Disney to sue. But they've waited to see exactly what the state came up with. So I guess the next step is for the bill to pass and the governor to sign it. Then see what Disney does.
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