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Twitter has started blocking unregistered users

Most of the "old" Twitter employees were part of a hugely padded and obsessively woke staff.
Another ridiculous use of "Woke" by someone who has no clue what it means. Ronald Reagan never understood Springsteen's "Born In The USA" either. Bottom line -- since Musk took over, Twitter has lost 66 percent of its value. Musk will survive and so will the Earth if Twitter disappears...
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I agree. It's from the divide and conquer school of power.

You had such an audience that Nat'l Weather Service posts on the site (well, they did...) - often for basic stuff, but also the 'you need to know' stuff.

"Excessive Heat Warning may need to be continued into early next week..."

No current social media service can take over what the birdsite does today. Probably a topic for another discussion, we need to wait for the implosion to be completed.
You had such an audience that Nat'l Weather Service posts on the site (well, they did...)

Not just that National Weather Service, but also many local weather services. It was a place to go to that was quicker and more detailed than anything in broadcast, whether radio or TV. It was immediate, because it had a universe of users as reporters. No news agency has that many reporters in the field. There are other weather sites, but none with that many reporters.
Another ridiculous use of "Woke" by someone who has no clue what it means.
Actually, I do understand the terminology of equality and so-called "progressive" (there is a term that means nearly the opposite of what it used to) because I am actively involved in consumer research here and outside the US. And most of that research is among Hispanics, one of the supposed beneficiaries of wokeness and which whom I mostly deal in Spanish.

Whether you think woke means "socially aware" (as in "awake to what is happening") or "believers that there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them" the term fundamentally revolves around "awareness".

To an undocumented immigrant from El Salvador, "woke" or its Spanish equivalent means "willing to accept me into their country". To a disabled person, it means "understanding". "Woke" is one of those terms that depends a lot on the color of the lens the person involved is wearing.
Ronald Reagan never understood Springsteen's "Born In The USA" either.
But, intelligently, by feigning misunderstanding, he defused the argument or point of the song.
Bottom line -- since Musk took over, Twitter has lost 66 percent of its value.
The funny thing about shares of stock is that you really do not loose anything at all unless you sell the shares.

A good example is the fact that the only people who actually lost money in the 2008 recession are the ones who sold their shares at the time. Those who held, on average, were ahead of the pre-recession levels just a few years later.

Or some did what I did: I sold everything and on the same day bought other similar issues. Sort of selling, in New York Central in the 1950's and buying Santa Fe the same day. In the process, I got a tax loss I carried forward for half a decade while the new purchases appreciated, on average, along with the market.
Musk will survive and so will the Earth if Twitter disappears...
Most people's lack of understanding of equities markets is astounding.
Whether you think woke means "socially aware" (as in "awake to what is happening") or "believers that there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them" the term fundamentally revolves around "awareness".

I'll accept that definition for the purpose of this discussion.

So you once had a staff that was 'aware' of others and how their job impacted others. And you now have a staff led by an owner who doesn't care about anyone but himself. This weekend's situation is the perfect example. He made changes in the code that he knew would affect how the platform would be used and seen, and didn't tell anyone. After the fact, when people complained, he came up with a fake excuse. But neither he nor his employees have addressed the problem, which still exists today.

Call it whatever you will, this is bad management.

I'm not going to click on the link myself, but the web site I go to using my library card supposedly has the same details. If it looks like the article I saw, notice how much they rely on Twitter to send out weather alerts or information.
Thanks for this info. So, your local Myrtle Beach newspaper posts weather reports using the National Weather Service reports on Twitter. That is how big a platform Twitter has become.

I think that when a media platform becomes so big that millions of people rely on it for easy access to weather info, etc., then the owner has an obligation to the public trust to deliver a stable, consistent, reliable product. But Musk doesn't think so. JMO - Daryl
Most of the "old" Twitter employees were part of a hugely padded and obsessively woke staff. It's doubtful that anyone who came in and started to clear out the excesses would be the subject of "positive thoughts" by the people who left, were let go or are still there but on a leash.
The tech sector in San Francisco employs people who are generally serious, hard-working, well-educated, and conscientious about their careers. My son works in that tech sector ( not at Twitter) and fits those qualities. I have met a number of young people who are employed in San Francisco's tech sector, and they are equally serious, conscientious, career-oriented, thoughtful, and well-educated.

That work force is not what you imagine, when you use the epithet "woke", which the right wing uses to convey the image of wild-eyed hippies of questionable morals. "Woke" has replaced the label "commies" as an insult to anyone with whom conservatives disagree, and it is seen as a derogatory insult. That's not an accurate depiction of that tech sector or their workers.
I'll accept that definition for the purpose of this discussion.

So you once had a staff that was 'aware' of others and how their job impacted others. And you now have a staff led by an owner who doesn't care about anyone but himself. This weekend's situation is the perfect example. He made changes in the code that he knew would affect how the platform would be used and seen, and didn't tell anyone. After the fact, when people complained, he came up with a fake excuse. But neither he nor his employees have addressed the problem, which still exists today.

Call it whatever you will, this is bad management.
I'd still like to understand what happened to the idea of Musk putting Linda Yaccarino in charge of Twitter and his stated plan of taking a back seat and allowing her to run it. Seems to me he's sending the frequent message that he's still very much in charge, and continues making erratic decisions that aren't often well thought through and stand to alienate users and advertisers from the platform.
threads.net , part of Instagram, is up and running now. It went on line about 9 hours ago, with a message from Zuckerberg. But, it is accessible only through Apple or Android phones right now. It is necessary to add the app to the smart phone.
Maybe it will provide some competition for Twitter, which has become a real mess. -- D.
I'd still like to understand what happened to the idea of Musk putting Linda Yaccarino in charge of Twitter and his stated plan of taking a back seat and allowing her to run it. Seems to me he's sending the frequent message that he's still very much in charge, and continues making erratic decisions that aren't often well thought through and stand to alienate users and advertisers from the platform.
He's still in charge of making all the decisions, it appears, even though he appointed Yaccarino.
Actually, I do understand the terminology of equality and so-called "progressive" (there is a term that means nearly the opposite of what it used to) because I am actively involved in consumer research here and outside the US. And most of that research is among Hispanics, one of the supposed beneficiaries of wokeness and which whom I mostly deal in Spanish.

Whether you think woke means "socially aware" (as in "awake to what is happening") or "believers that there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them" the term fundamentally revolves around "awareness".

To an undocumented immigrant from El Salvador, "woke" or its Spanish equivalent means "willing to accept me into their country". To a disabled person, it means "understanding". "Woke" is one of those terms that depends a lot on the color of the lens the person involved is wearing.

But, intelligently, by feigning misunderstanding, he defused the argument or point of the song.
Reagan didn't even know who Springsteen was. His operatives used the song without permission for their own agenda. Reagan's mind was slipping into Alzheimer's by that time anyway.

Twitter was a shiny new toy for Musk to play with. The man with all the Gold makes the rules. Doesn't change the fact that he has alienated the staff and users alike...
I'd still like to understand what happened to the idea of Musk putting Linda Yaccarino in charge of Twitter and his stated plan of taking a back seat and allowing her to run it.

Nope. He's the owner. She deals with the crap that he doesn't want to do.

Musk will become Twitter's executive chair and chief technology officer, overseeing product, software and system operations.

Apparently she & Elon kept the rest of the staff in the dark during these changes last week.

Maybe it will provide some competition for Twitter, which has become a real mess. -- D.
When you really research what information that app required for its use, some might just rethink finishing the installation process.
The tech sector in San Francisco employs people who are generally serious, hard-working, well-educated, and conscientious about their careers. My son works in that tech sector ( not at Twitter) and fits those qualities. I have met a number of young people who are employed in San Francisco's tech sector, and they are equally serious, conscientious, career-oriented, thoughtful, and well-educated.

That work force is not what you imagine, when you use the epithet "woke", which the right wing uses to convey the image of wild-eyed hippies of questionable morals. "Woke" has replaced the label "commies" as an insult to anyone with whom conservatives disagree, and it is seen as a derogatory insult. That's not an accurate depiction of that tech sector or their workers.
Didn't really want to get into this discussion but since I worked in the tech sector in the Bay Area for more than two decades, finishing up as an executive before deciding to return to technology architecture, I can share a few observations.

You're right, people are serious about their jobs - and they come from a wide variety of backgrounds. In cybersecurity, which was my specialization, there is a clear and present understanding that a lot rides on attentive and effective performance of our jobs. Yes, I encountered a few problem people over time (and had to go through a termination process with a few of them) but you get that in any field of business.

I also learned that there's a difference in a business between people who make a lot of noise and people who try to make a real difference. Frontal assaults on business bureaucracies never work. "Activists" get all the attention but they aren't usually representative of a larger population. They haven't - or won't - learn how to work the system to their advantage.

Politics (and public policy) work differently - which is why many business people who think they have brilliant insights that they could apply to politics actually fail miserably when they try to do so. There's a broader range of constituencies in the public sector and motivations are not focused at all on financial objectives.

The term "woke" has become a label drained of meaning. Even so, it should be used only with great caution. It grossly oversimplifies what is a complex interplay of constituencies and objectives that exists in a historical context for which there is an increasingly contentious amount of disagreement.
Most of the "old" Twitter employees were part of a hugely padded and obsessively woke staff.
There's not an eyeroll large enough for me for this one.

I'd still like to understand what happened to the idea of Musk putting Linda Yaccarino in charge of Twitter and his stated plan of taking a back seat and allowing her to run it. Seems to me he's sending the frequent message that he's still very much in charge, and continues making erratic decisions that aren't often well thought through and stand to alienate users and advertisers from the platform.
Yaccarino is CEO in name only, her actual role is more like a director of sales. The fact she didn't make a chirp during the whole Rate Limit fiasco should've made that quite clear.

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