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End of DST?

Directional and daytime AM stations didn't like it in the 70's.
Daytimers didn't sign on until after 8 AM ... missing a huge chunk of AM drive.
They signed off before PM drive even started.
Directional AM stations didn't like that they had to operate at nighttime power/patterns during parts of AM and PM drive either.
The FCC was forced to issue a ton of pre sunrise and post sunset authorities for daytime AM stations.
This was tried back in the 70's and quickly repealed. Nobody liked the idea of their kids going to school
in darkness.
Including me. I would never agree to this because I don't want it to be dark when I get up. Even though in early January that will happen anyway. Year-round DST would just make it worse.
I'm personally against the idea but if it happens it should be nationwide or not at all. It would be ridiculous to allow each state to decide on this. Also if TN does this they also need to put the entire state in one time zone, preferably central. The state legislators who came up with this definitely didn't think out all the problems, but considering a lot of them don't think I'm not surprised.
The sheer size and irregular borders of the time zones make such a move fraught with inconveniences for all but those people in or near the center of the time zones. Eastern New England, especially Maine, would have big problems, as would eastern and central Tennessee. The decision on DST should remain with the individual states.

I would just like one clock setting for the entire year..........no time changes. I really have no preference as to which one they use, just leave it alone!
It really doesn't make sense for I-75 to have 150 miles of its entire run in Central Time. I'm sure part of why the time zones were set up this way is commerce, and there's a lot of it on I-75. Bristol TN/VA having 2 time zones would be unworkeable.

I'm personally against the idea but if it happens it should be nationwide or not at all. It would be ridiculous to allow each state to decide on this. Also if TN does this they also need to put the entire state in one time zone, preferably central. The state legislators who came up with this definitely didn't think out all the problems, but considering a lot of them don't think I'm not surprised.
It really doesn't make sense for I-75 to have 150 miles of its entire run in Central Time. I'm sure part of why the time zones were set up this way is commerce, and there's a lot of it on I-75. Bristol TN/VA having 2 time zones would be unworkeable.

I hadn't thought about it before and I know you live in the Eaastern time zone, but there's also the problem that if for example TN goes to year round daylight time but other surrounding states don't that would put East TN an hour ahead of other states on Eastern time in the Winter, and have the same time as the Atlantic time zone. Also some states have considered dropping daylight time completely, so different states doing different things could cause even more problems. Perhaps putting all of TN in one time zone might not work, but allowing different states to do their own thing on daylight time isn't a good idea either. I've said before that I think daylight time should be year round and nationwide (With the possible exceptions of Arizona and Hawaii still being allowed) or not at all. I'd personally be for eliminating daylight time completely.
Directional and daytime AM stations didn't like it in the 70's.
Daytimers didn't sign on until after 8 AM ... missing a huge chunk of AM drive.
They signed off before PM drive even started.
Directional AM stations didn't like that they had to operate at nighttime power/patterns during parts of AM and PM drive either.
The FCC was forced to issue a ton of pre sunrise and post sunset authorities for daytime AM stations.
Wouldn't really be an issue anymore, as AM is all but irrelevant now.
I'm personally against the idea but if it happens it should be nationwide or not at all. It would be ridiculous to allow each state to decide on this. Also if TN does this they also need to put the entire state in one time zone, preferably central. The state legislators who came up with this definitely didn't think out all the problems, but considering a lot of them don't think I'm not surprised.
Our state legislature is definitely way ahead of the curve on this one. We can't really do anything here unless or until Congress grants approval. It would definitely be unnecessarily confusing going from one state to another.
I hadn't thought about it before and I know you live in the Eaastern time zone, but there's also the problem that if for example TN goes to year round daylight time but other surrounding states don't that would put East TN an hour ahead of other states on Eastern time in the Winter, and have the same time as the Atlantic time zone. Also some states have considered dropping daylight time completely, so different states doing different things could cause even more problems. Perhaps putting all of TN in one time zone might not work, but allowing different states to do their own thing on daylight time isn't a good idea either. I've said before that I think daylight time should be year round and nationwide (With the possible exceptions of Arizona and Hawaii still being allowed) or not at all. I'd personally be for eliminating daylight time completely.
We are an east/west oriented state, so having all of us in one time zone is probably not workable.

You live in the weststate, so you would prefer to stay on standard time (apparently). I am a weststate native, but midstate resident now, so I would prefer to stay on daylight time all year. Time changes get harder on me as I get older!
The sheer size and irregular borders of the time zones make such a move fraught with inconveniences for all but those people in or near the center of the time zones. Eastern New England, especially Maine, would have big problems, as would eastern and central Tennessee. The decision on DST should remain with the individual states.
East TN would have more of an issue than we here in the midstate would. I would want to be on daylight time all year, but I am also at the eastern edge of my time zone (central). Putting us on daylight time year-round would probably be too "fast" of a time zone for Memphis.

We have dealt with the Volunteer State being split among two time zones for generations, and that part of it hasn't really been a problem for us, so I don't see that part of it changing soon. But as anotherguy said, putting the eaststate on DST all year puts them into too "fast" of a time zone for them, particularly in the winter.
Wouldn't really be an issue anymore, as AM is all but irrelevant now.

There are still about 5000 AM stations trying to make a living. It’s not irrelevant to them.

Ans still several of the highest billers in the US like WINS and WCBS and KFI are AM only... AM may be on the decline but don’t tell that to WNAX or KRVN and the likes, either.
They sign on at local sunrise and sign off at local sunset. If the clocks are moved ahead one hour, so are the sign on and sign off times.
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