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    RadioDiscussions Administrators

Honoring The Past; Looking To The Future


Chief Operator
Staff member
Welcome to what might as well be RadioDiscussions version 10.0.

Over the past 27 years (nearly 2/3 of my life) these boards have been a constant. I was a young, naive teenager when I launched the Mid-Atlantic Radio Board from my college dorm room in the fall of 1997. Through that board, I would meet Doug Fleming and Tanim Hussain and we would launch Radio-Info.com in 1999 to host a growing network of regional radio boards that would pop-up. The site would continue to grow and evolve (and be barred from many station studios) over the next six years. During that time, both Doug and Tanim would move on to other pursuits and I continued to run the site

In 2005, Doug Fleming died tragically while biking in the desert outside of his home in Reno at the age of 27 and the following year his parents would stage a hostile takeover of the site, while attempting to rewrite its history in his behalf. I would launch RadioInsight within hours as a competing discussion site, but without the board history and the early motivation due to having to deal with the loss of one of my closest friends (I was told I was the last person to speak to Doug as we had one of our four hour phone calls the night before) and now the loss of what had become my life's work with no explanation ever given as to why they basically stole the site out from under me (Doug's father was a high powered attorney, and I was working in a restaurant so I had no ability to fight). While the boards would be run by their anonymous "Managing Board Editor", I would eventually pivot RadioInsight into what is now the most widely read radio industry news publication.

The Flemings would eventually break up Radio-Info, selling the domain name to Talkers Magazine and relaunching the boards under the RadioDiscussions name in 2012. Ownership of the site would pass to Streamline Publishing, who own Radio Ink and RBR, but they would soon shut the site down. That would lead to Frank Berry acquiring the site and running it for the past decade. Following Frank's passing, @DavidEduardo would help facilitate the transfer of the site back to me.

When the history of Radio-Info/RadioDiscussions is written, there should now be five "founders" considered. Doug, Tanim, and I are the original founders of Radio-Info, but Frank and David resurrected the site from the dead and erased the scars brought on in the middle by operators using the boards to advance their business and personal agendas rather than for the passion for the medium. We're all here because we love radio and want to see it thrive for a long time. And with David, @fybush, @Huff, @Michi, and others assisting, I believe the team we have here will be able to do so.

Now for what's next...

You see a new logo at the top. The typeface is the same one as the original Radio-Info logo. The color scheme now matches Tanim's "Valley of the Sun Media" Phoenix area board, which is what was merged with my "Mid-Atlantic Radio Board" to form Radio-Info some 25 years ago. The previous logo here was a holdover from the Streamline days. This is my way of honoring the origination of the site, while the RadioDiscussions brand will remain to honor Frank.


Over the past few weeks, we have begun a consolidation of the board structure, much of which dates back to the early 2000s and just was added onto creating multiple boards serving the same purpose and others that have dwindles in usage as the industry consolidates. There will soon be a little more pruning of boards that serve little purpose existing as a stand-alone topic, but we will also begin adding some new ones.

I also will be looking at ways to modernize the site to bring in some social features. We're not a community without all of you contributing and while I know many do not like change, I do believe with collaboration we will ensure these changes are best for growing the site and hopefully radio as a whole...

If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to private message me anytime.

-Lance Venta
Chief Operator
It was, quite simply, a privilege to return the site to Lance.

I owned it for several days, and that was just enough time to make all things right.

I spent a decade helping moderate for Frank, and his wish was for me to insure the future of his efforts and the site's heritage. To do that honorably, that meant returning it to Lance. Any temptation to keep the revenue the site produced was defeated by the need to "restore the universe to it's natural order". Or, at least, the radio universe.

It's a new era, but with the immense heritage of the tradition of this site.

Congratulations, Lance! Your team applauds your efforts.
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Yes this new logo reminds me of the old KQED+ logo used to look like when it was under the call letters KTEH San Jose were prior to the 1993-1994 season when they changed their logo.

Like the New Zelek font used here.
Love the new logo - you guys hit it out of the park! :)
The new logo is pure Lance. He did a great job, and I don't want to take any credit for it. But it's a cool reminder of the origin of this board so long ago!
Welcome to what might as well be RadioDiscussions version 10.0.

Over the past 27 years (nearly 2/3 of my life) these boards have been a constant. I was a young, naive teenager when I launched the Mid-Atlantic Radio Board from my college dorm room in the fall of 1997. Through that board, I would meet Doug Fleming and Tanim Hussain and we would launch Radio-Info.com in 1999 to host a growing network of regional radio boards that would pop-up. The site would continue to grow and evolve (and be barred from many station studios) over the next six years. During that time, both Doug and Tanim would move on to other pursuits and I continued to run the site

In 2005, Doug Fleming died tragically while biking in the desert outside of his home in Reno at the age of 27 and the following year his parents would stage a hostile takeover of the site, while attempting to rewrite its history in his behalf. I would launch RadioInsight within hours as a competing discussion site, but without the board history and the early motivation due to having to deal with the loss of one of my closest friends (I was told I was the last person to speak to Doug as we had one of our four hour phone calls the night before) and now the loss of what had become my life's work with no explanation ever given as to why they basically stole the site out from under me (Doug's father was a high powered attorney, and I was working in a restaurant so I had no ability to fight). While the boards would be run by their anonymous "Managing Board Editor", I would eventually pivot RadioInsight into what is now the most widely read radio industry news publication.

The Flemings would eventually break up Radio-Info, selling the domain name to Talkers Magazine and relaunching the boards under the RadioDiscussions name in 2012. Ownership of the site would pass to Streamline Publishing, who own Radio Ink and RBR, but they would soon shut the site down. That would lead to Frank Berry acquiring the site and running it for the past decade. Following Frank's passing, @DavidEduardo would help facilitate the transfer of the site back to me.

When the history of Radio-Info/RadioDiscussions is written, there should now be five "founders" considered. Doug, Tanim, and I are the original founders of Radio-Info, but Frank and David resurrected the site from the dead and erased the scars brought on in the middle by operators using the boards to advance their business and personal agendas rather than for the passion for the medium. We're all here because we love radio and want to see it thrive for a long time. And with David, @fybush, @Huff, @Michi, and others assisting, I believe the team we have here will be able to do so.

Now for what's next...

You see a new logo at the top. The typeface is the same one as the original Radio-Info logo. The color scheme now matches Tanim's "Valley of the Sun Media" Phoenix area board, which is what was merged with my "Mid-Atlantic Radio Board" to form Radio-Info some 25 years ago. The previous logo here was a holdover from the Streamline days. This is my way of honoring the origination of the site, while the RadioDiscussions brand will remain to honor Frank.

View attachment 7252

Over the past few weeks, we have begun a consolidation of the board structure, much of which dates back to the early 2000s and just was added onto creating multiple boards serving the same purpose and others that have dwindles in usage as the industry consolidates. There will soon be a little more pruning of boards that serve little purpose existing as a stand-alone topic, but we will also begin adding some new ones.

I also will be looking at ways to modernize the site to bring in some social features. We're not a community without all of you contributing and while I know many do not like change, I do believe with collaboration we will ensure these changes are best for growing the site and hopefully radio as a whole...

If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to private message me anytime.

-Lance Venta
Chief Operator
Thank you Lance for everything you’ve done for the industry, and for the acknowledgment of my past involvement with this site’s origins. After almost 2 decades away - I look forward to once again being a regular visitor of these forums.
Does he still have access to the original domain name?
No. Still owned by Talkers although they haven't used it in many years.

And ironically, one of mine and Doug's last debates was whether to rename Radio-Info as RadioInsight. I was against it as I believed in brand equity which we had built up. He wanted to use Radio-Info to build a news publication felt Insight would be better for an opinion based forum. I argued that everything should be on the one brand at the time. I already owned the RadioInsight.com domain for four years before I needed to use it.
No. Still owned by Talkers although they haven't used it in many years.

And ironically, one of mine and Doug's last debates was whether to rename Radio-Info as RadioInsight. I was against it as I believed in brand equity which we had built up. He wanted to use Radio-Info to build a news publication felt Insight would be better for an opinion based forum. I argued that everything should be on the one brand at the time. I already owned the RadioInsight.com domain for four years before I needed to use it.
Would be nice if Talkers passed it back to you.

For the brand, could probably put the copyright thing that's at RI "Copyright ©2024 RadioInsight / RadioBB Networks" and links between the sites. But I know the dust is still getting settled around here...

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