Can't help but think that most of the backlash over "You Light Up My Life" is due to Debby Boone's version "winning out" and becoming the hit, over the Casey Cisyk version, which is the one that Didi Conn lip-synched to in the movie. Maybe folks think that the Boone family "threw their weight around" to make Debby's version the hit. Of course, Boone's version was on Warner Brothers, so maybe WB was able to promote it better. Not sure what label the Cisyk version was on. But this particular backlash might explain why Boone never had another hit. Cisyk's best claim to fame was probably singing "have you driven a Ford lately?" in those commercials from the '80s.
Of course, it could also be backlash that "You Light Up My Life" was #1 for 10 weeks in a year of mostly single-week chart-toppers.
Of course, it could also be backlash that "You Light Up My Life" was #1 for 10 weeks in a year of mostly single-week chart-toppers.