There's no need for anything new. All the good Christmas songs have already been recorded.
Contemporary artists shouldn't be recording these songs.
I just heard some absolute garbage by Michael Bolton in a commercial which was described as holiday music. I wouldn't listen to that dreck anytime, much less Christmas.
Something like that. This junk was much worse than most of Michael Bolton's music. Some of his songs would sound just fine without HIM.I'm no fan of Michael Bolton myself, but one listener's "dreck" is another's favorite. Sounds to me like your tastes in Christmas music ended with those 1960's Firestone Tire giveaway Xmas LPS by Gordon MacRae...
In general I don't like oldies either.
The Honda commercial on TV with Michael Bolton has two versions. One is atrocious. The other is close to listenable but not my idea of Christmas music--and it still has HIM.
On the contrary. As with Taylor Swift, I think it is possible to deny he has talent, and to wonder what others must be thinking. They're entitled to THINK he's a talented singer. Most people do, I guess. As for Taylor, I remember her singing with Stevie Nicks live without technology, though maybe she's gotten better. Now Stevie IS talented. I don't care for most of her music ...He's laughing all the way to the bank. He's not my cup of tea, but his talent is undeniable. Variety is the spice of life.