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The history behind Russ Martin

I don't think the diaries are an accurate measure of Russ' audience. We all know that white trash and frat boys aren't the types of groups to bother filling those things out. We won't really know how few people listen until the PPM's come out.
Boy, I know nothing will keep me riveted more than STRIPPERS ON THE RADIO. What next might we enjoy on the radio, home movies? Card tricks? Shadow animals on the wall?
Well maybe Russ can run into Gavin's office and fart. Then he could rush back to the studio and they could laugh about it for the next year. Oh wait! have they already done that?
Or maybe they could light fireworks in the parking lot. That makes for great radio... ::) Gavin needs to go!! They need to bring in someone that can program KRLD and flip 105.3 to something else - anything.
jeffdfw said:
Or maybe they could light fireworks in the parking lot. That makes for great radio... ::) Gavin needs to go!! They need to bring in someone that can program KRLD and flip 105.3 to something else - anything.
And of course the police wouldn't come out since Russ has the listener foundation right?
Rust get a ticket? a citation? He's got a fix,and he is above da law.
No one will come to RMS's defense? Hmm, maybe he is sliding.
Still, I'd trade paychecks with him.
grantchester said:
No one will come to RMS's defense? Hmm, maybe he is sliding.
Still, I'd trade paychecks with him.
That's just another lame bit of Russ's..talking about how much money he makes. That's another bit that has gotten old. He makes good money...so what. There's plenty of people in DFW that make good money..nothing special there. And in the scope of radio money makers, he ain't Howard, he ain't Rush, he ain't even Ryan Seacrest...and as far as I know, none of them sit around bragging about how much money they make. It makes the RMS sound even more pathetic.
satradio said:
and as far as I know, none of them sit around bragging about how much money they make. It makes the RMS sound even more pathetic.

It's very much like the old saying "those who talk about it the most.. do
it the least"

Or in this case, he's probably making the same amount any decent
afternoon drive guy or gal in town is doing salary wise....but don't tell
him (Russ) that...

And like another old saying "Money doesn't always bring happiness"
There are a ton of people out there in the media world (and otherwise)
making astronomical sums of money, and are some of the most unhappy
F'd up people in the world.....

Need I mention OJ, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, or Lindsay Lohan?
If what Russ says regarding his non-compete clause in his contract is true, he is not too bright. No major talent signs a non-compete clause (unless he continues to be paid during that time, which Russ says he isn't). Example, if Russ is paid $1,000,000 per year, but has to sit out six month after his contract expires, that means he only makes $500,000 his last year because he won't be working (in radio, anyway) for six months.

Some states, such as Illinois, have made non-competes illegal. You can be working at station A today and station B tomorrow. In other states the talent must still negotiate that clause. Major talent like Howard Stern do not accept a non-compete clause for the reasons previously mentioned. And stations will still sign key talent without a non-compete because they realize the talent will not sign one. Again, if we believe Russ, the reason he was able to get on the air at 105.3 so quickly is because he didn't have a non-compete in effect when he left his old station

Perhaps if Russ had a real media attorney review his contract he would realize not everyone signs a non-compete. When I was starting out at small stations I was always asked to sign a non-compete and never did. Why would I stay unemployed for six months or be forced to move? When I told the management I was moving long distance to make that area my new home and not job hop, they knew I was serious about my commitment and I was never required to sign the non-compete or lose the job. Russ will also find there are enough clauses in that generic contract he signed to dump him at any time the stations wants.
Accuracy said:
Russ will also find there are enough clauses in that generic contract he signed to dump him at any time the stations wants.

Very well put, Accuracy.

Indeed, there are loopholes in every contract (whether media or any other business).
These loopholes can work to an advantage or disadvantage to either party.

Just remember, NO job is ever guaranteed, no matter how rosy it looks,
or how comfortable you feel. Getting comfortable and complacent about searching
(for something greener on the other side of the hill) can be a killer if you leave a job
with no plan. Always be looking, and have something else planned for the next step.
It took me over twenty years in the media business to figure that out, but I learned
my lesson. Now I'm out of the business, and quite happy having a REAL job,
thank you very much.... ;D Less money..., but I'm happy...and that's what is important
to me, over money....
I can sum it up pretty easily: This ride is eventually going to fall apart for Russ & The Gang, abeit by his own doing or his employer. We call agree his schtick is old and lacking, he defers to others to entertain on the air and quite frankly is putting out a poor product as of the past couple of years. If he was half as smart as he potrays himself to be, He should have taken up a decent syndication(i.e. anyone but CBS) or sat radio deal when he had a chance and not had gavin spittle, the genius of programming that he is, screw around with trying to handle his show syndication. If he decides to retire, which he should if he isnt living beyond his means, I wont shead a tear or gnash teeth in the process.
I would like to know everyone's thoughts on all the shows on Live 105.3

Pugs & Kelly
Russ Martin
Big Dick Hunter
Weekend shows

Personally, The Jagger Show is the only thing fresh and funny to me. The rest blows.
tubetop1 said:
??? If you're sooooo over the business, why do you still hang here?

Hmmm, good question....

Maybe to check up on old friends and enemies ... ;)

Plus it's now fun to comment as just as an average Joe listener on
all the BS that goes on in the wonderful egomaniacal backstabbing
world of media, after having been on both sides of the fence ...

Good enough excuse?
jeff715 said:
I would like to know everyone's thoughts on all the shows on Live 105.3

Pugs & Kelly
Russ Martin
Big Dick Hunter
Weekend shows

Personally, The Jagger Show is the only thing fresh and funny to me. The rest blows.

Chris Jagger and Big Richard Hunter(who should be doing Middays/Afternoon Drive) are about the only local on-air staff that has some decent talent and enjoys what they do. Leykis is a decent talent, but like Russ, he's gotten comfortable with the same old broken record schtick he's been pushing for years in LA(all chicks are out for your money,ect...) Lovelines is still a decent product but KLLI keeps doing the "1 Day Tape Delay" when most of the other stations in the Central Time Zone have decided to run live and thats just frankly stupid.
Jagger is the best 195.3 has.
Russ is the same old thing, but let's recall he lifted his show from Howard Stern, also he lifyed bits from Bubba The Love Sponge.
P&K should not have had their contracts renewed-they must have a new lawyer.
Funny though, Sybil's contract was not renewed. P&K must have really stuck their necks out.

I could Leykis on Sirius some time soon.
PandK_71 said:
Jagger is the best 195.3 has.
Russ is the same old thing, but let's recall he lifted his show from Howard Stern, also he lifyed bits from Bubba The Love Sponge.
P&K should not have had their contracts renewed-they must have a new lawyer.
Funny though, Sybil's contract was not renewed. P&K must have really stuck their necks out.

I could Leykis on Sirius some time soon.

Sybil was about the only talent on that show and I wonder if it was kelly who got her canned, seeing sybil was the better looking, more talent female on the program...
I used to be one of the few it seems to enjoy P&K on 105.3. But I must throw in the towel with them. In the last few weeks I've been able to listen and they've really gotten lousy and annoying. I still enjoy Jagger and Crew and when I've heard him, I've enjoyed Big Dick (that didn't come out right did it?)
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