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The worst customer ever

Entitled witch.

Last Thursday (10/10) after I got back from my lunch break I got radioed by the acting supervisor "KF" to help a member locate a dorm size refrigerator we had on sale. I found it up at the top of the steel shelving. I ask the member if she wanted me to call another location and see if they had one on the sales floor. She replied that she was at our location now, so she would like it now. I radio "KF".

Me: Hey KF, I found the fridge. It's way up at the top of the steel shelving.
KF: Marc, we don't have a forklift driver at the moment. I'll leave a note for our overnight crew to get it down for her and she can pick it up tomorrow.

Well the member was having none of that. She was ranting and raving and cursing about what a bunch of idiots and other choice adjectives we were because they fridge should've been on the sales floor because the sale started that day. (I agree that it should've been on the sales floor). Then here's comes the entitlement.

Member: The Warehouse club needs to reimburse me for the gas it cost for me to drive here and the time I wasted.
Me: I can radio a manager for you to talk to.
Member: Thank-you.

So I radio for a manager and 3 show up. - RS The General Manager, AG an Assistant Manager, and "B" the new Asset Protection Manager. I tell RS that the lady is angry about the fridge and also my offer of calling another location. He radios another manager VC who is a licensed forklift driver. He talks to the lady and tells her VC will be coming with the forklift shortly.

VC shows up with the forklift and gets a pallet of the fridges down to the sales floor.

VC: Why did you tell the lady that there wasn't a forklift driver?
Me: I didn't. That was KF.
VC: You need to know at all times whether or not there's a licensed forklift operator in the store.
Me (to myself): Yeah right. I have a lot of other crap to do everyday besides worrying about whether or not there's a licensed forklift operator in the store. (I also didn't know VC was a licensed forklift operator and I thought he had left for the day).

So I put the fridge on the flat cart, bring it to the lady, help her pay for it, and load it into her SUV for her. And she was happy.
Entitled witch.

Last Thursday (10/10) after I got back from my lunch break I got radioed by the acting supervisor "KF" to help a member locate a dorm size refrigerator we had on sale. I found it up at the top of the steel shelving. I ask the member if she wanted me to call another location and see if they had one on the sales floor. She replied that she was at our location now, so she would like it now. I radio "KF".

Me: Hey KF, I found the fridge. It's way up at the top of the steel shelving.
KF: Marc, we don't have a forklift driver at the moment. I'll leave a note for our overnight crew to get it down for her and she can pick it up tomorrow.

Well the member was having none of that. She was ranting and raving and cursing about what a bunch of idiots and other choice adjectives we were because they fridge should've been on the sales floor because the sale started that day. (I agree that it should've been on the sales floor). Then here's comes the entitlement.

Member: The Warehouse club needs to reimburse me for the gas it cost for me to drive here and the time I wasted.
Me: I can radio a manager for you to talk to.
Member: Thank-you.

So I radio for a manager and 3 show up. - RS The General Manager, AG an Assistant Manager, and "B" the new Asset Protection Manager. I tell RS that the lady is angry about the fridge and also my offer of calling another location. He radios another manager VC who is a licensed forklift driver. He talks to the lady and tells her VC will be coming with the forklift shortly.

VC shows up with the forklift and gets a pallet of the fridges down to the sales floor.

VC: Why did you tell the lady that there wasn't a forklift driver?
Me: I didn't. That was KF.
VC: You need to know at all times whether or not there's a licensed forklift operator in the store.
Me (to myself): Yeah right. I have a lot of other crap to do everyday besides worrying about whether or not there's a licensed forklift operator in the store. (I also didn't know VC was a licensed forklift operator and I thought he had left for the day).

So I put the fridge on the flat cart, bring it to the lady, help her pay for it, and load it into her SUV for her. And she was happy.

Don’t get why you have not been promoted to an assistant manager or something seems like you are going the extra mile for customers on a regular basis.
Don’t get why you have not been promoted to an assistant manager or something seems like you are going the extra mile for customers on a regular basis.

I don't know if I want to be a manager. There's too much crap involved. I think my next move since I didn't get the Full Time Position in the Liquor Department will be to ask the new Asset Protection Manager for certification to be a guy at the front door checking everyone's receipts as they're leaving.
I don't know if I want to be a manager. There's too much crap involved. I think my next move since I didn't get the Full Time Position in the Liquor Department will be to ask the new Asset Protection Manager for certification to be a guy at the front door checking everyone's receipts as they're leaving.

Wow I didn’t know they even had liquor department employees but you would think they would hire someone who they already somewhat know like you for that position but I’m pulling for you to get that other position checking receipts.
I'm one step out the door at this place now. I've had it with their BS.

Earlier this month a small child touched my electric cart machine and got injured by it. The company blamed me because I left the machine unattended with the key left in the machine and turned on. In reality the accident was cause my bad parenting. Obviously the parents weren't watching the little brat. Upon hearing about the accident the vast majority of my co-workers responded with "Where the *fill in the 4 letter word of your choice* were the parents?" So I got written up for that. Then I just found out on Monday that as a result of the write up for the accident, I am not eligible for moving into a new position for one year, which will be October 2020.

On top of that today they gave me my one year review (November 20th is my actual one year anniversary). The manager who gave me my review pretty much told me that I suck at my job and won't be getting a raise. She said the only part of my job that I'm good as is engaging members in conversation.

She is so full of crap. One of her issues with me is when I leave a lot of carts in the parking lot at the end of my shift, even when I have the garage 85%-90% full of carts at the end of my shift. Further more I've had other managers plus one of my supervisors tell me things run more smoothly when I'm working than when I'm not. I'm rarely scheduled to work Saturdays and Sundays. They schedule the high school kids on the weekends. The other times I'm not working was when I took a couple days off in June and September to visit a friend in King of Prussia, PA or if I call out sick.

So basically I told this manager I'll let her know for certain next week, but most likely my last day is going to be November 15th.
I'm one step out the door at this place now. I've had it with their BS.

Earlier this month a small child touched my electric cart machine and got injured by it. The company blamed me because I left the machine unattended with the key left in the machine and turned on. In reality the accident was cause my bad parenting. Obviously the parents weren't watching the little brat. Upon hearing about the accident the vast majority of my co-workers responded with "Where the *fill in the 4 letter word of your choice* were the parents?" So I got written up for that. Then I just found out on Monday that as a result of the write up for the accident, I am not eligible for moving into a new position for one year, which will be October 2020.

On top of that today they gave me my one year review (November 20th is my actual one year anniversary). The manager who gave me my review pretty much told me that I suck at my job and won't be getting a raise. She said the only part of my job that I'm good as is engaging members in conversation.

She is so full of crap. One of her issues with me is when I leave a lot of carts in the parking lot at the end of my shift, even when I have the garage 85%-90% full of carts at the end of my shift. Further more I've had other managers plus one of my supervisors tell me things run more smoothly when I'm working than when I'm not. I'm rarely scheduled to work Saturdays and Sundays. They schedule the high school kids on the weekends. The other times I'm not working was when I took a couple days off in June and September to visit a friend in King of Prussia, PA or if I call out sick.

So basically I told this manager I'll let her know for certain next week, but most likely my last day is going to be November 15th.

don't know which is worse, you taking the blame over something that was not your fault or the fact your boss treated you like a steaming hot piece of dog s***. good thing you just gave them your 2 week notice, who are you working for, Walmart.
I'm one step out the door at this place now. I've had it with their BS.

Earlier this month a small child touched my electric cart machine and got injured by it. The company blamed me because I left the machine unattended with the key left in the machine and turned on. In reality the accident was cause my bad parenting. Obviously the parents weren't watching the little brat. Upon hearing about the accident the vast majority of my co-workers responded with "Where the *fill in the 4 letter word of your choice* were the parents?" So I got written up for that. Then I just found out on Monday that as a result of the write up for the accident, I am not eligible for moving into a new position for one year, which will be October 2020.

On top of that today they gave me my one year review (November 20th is my actual one year anniversary). The manager who gave me my review pretty much told me that I suck at my job and won't be getting a raise. She said the only part of my job that I'm good as is engaging members in conversation.

She is so full of crap. One of her issues with me is when I leave a lot of carts in the parking lot at the end of my shift, even when I have the garage 85%-90% full of carts at the end of my shift. Further more I've had other managers plus one of my supervisors tell me things run more smoothly when I'm working than when I'm not. I'm rarely scheduled to work Saturdays and Sundays. They schedule the high school kids on the weekends. The other times I'm not working was when I took a couple days off in June and September to visit a friend in King of Prussia, PA or if I call out sick.

So basically I told this manager I'll let her know for certain next week, but most likely my last day is going to be November 15th.

Stupid philosophy that the customer is right almost no matter what. Why the hell some of these parents use these stores and malls as play places for their kids is beyond me. Its obvious that the parent is at fault for not keeping account of their kid how would your boss expect you to anticipate a kid running into your cart machine seems like your damned if you do damned if you don’t for this situation.
I'm one step out the door at this place now. I've had it with their BS.

Earlier this month a small child touched my electric cart machine and got injured by it. The company blamed me because I left the machine unattended with the key left in the machine and turned on. In reality the accident was cause my bad parenting. Obviously the parents weren't watching the little brat. Upon hearing about the accident the vast majority of my co-workers responded with "Where the *fill in the 4 letter word of your choice* were the parents?" So I got written up for that. Then I just found out on Monday that as a result of the write up for the accident, I am not eligible for moving into a new position for one year, which will be October 2020.

On top of that today they gave me my one year review (November 20th is my actual one year anniversary). The manager who gave me my review pretty much told me that I suck at my job and won't be getting a raise. She said the only part of my job that I'm good as is engaging members in conversation.

She is so full of crap. One of her issues with me is when I leave a lot of carts in the parking lot at the end of my shift, even when I have the garage 85%-90% full of carts at the end of my shift. Further more I've had other managers plus one of my supervisors tell me things run more smoothly when I'm working than when I'm not. I'm rarely scheduled to work Saturdays and Sundays. They schedule the high school kids on the weekends. The other times I'm not working was when I took a couple days off in June and September to visit a friend in King of Prussia, PA or if I call out sick.

So basically I told this manager I'll let her know for certain next week, but most likely my last day is going to be November 15th.

Also with all you do to contribute to this site maybe Frank can give you like a paid assistant role on here or something if you do end up leaving that job. Just an idea though.
Bjs is the store right?

You got it.

There was another entitled lady on Friday, but I didn't have to deal with. All the employees have two way radios, so I hear things when I walking around doing my job, whether it be outside rounding up the shopping carts or in the store shopping an online pickup order.

My direct supervisor on Friday was CS. The MOD (Manager on Duty) was AG. (Unrelated to this but AG is the manager who gave me the bad review). I was rounding up the carts.

CS: AG, there is a member on line 2 who is demanding to speak to the MOD because she's been on hold for 4 minutes.
AG: I'll take the call in a moment.

Me (thinking to myself): The lady's been on hold 4 minutes? Too f***ing bad b****. We're busy. We're short staffed. There are o n l y a certain number of employees who can answer the phone and it takes time to find out the answer to the question, specifically if the person finding out the answer gets 3 other questions at one. (That happens a lot).
There's this older disabled woman who comes into the store from time to time. Everyone hates her because she's always rude and nasty to everyone. Guess who had to help her to her car today? All the while she's complaining that the guy at the front door who checks everyone's receipts didn't check every single item she bought. She says the guy at our location in Wallingford, CT checks every single item on her receipt. I'm thinking to myself "Then shop in Wallingford if you like it so much better there." Then after I'm done helping her load everything into her car she says this:

Disabled Woman: I was hoping you were the one who was going to help me today when I asked for help. You're my favorite.
Me (outloud): Anything for a fellow New York Yankees fan.
Me (thinking to myself): I'm her favorite? Damn. Someone get me a bottle from the liquor store and knock me out with it.
You did good, Marc by making her day better even though she's not the nicest of people.

Yes, I live in Michigan. Went into the new Madison Heights location this week. Love the free air at the gas station. Disappointed there isn't a house brand version of Tylenol PM and that Speed Stick isn't sold. I'll share more when I have time to really go through the place. I just made a quick run there for gas during my lunch break and went inside to buy a hot dog.
I just made a quick run there for gas during my lunch break and went inside to buy a hot dog.

You were lucky you didn't spend your entire lunch break at the gas station. At my store cars are typically stacked 2 deep at the pumps all day. I think we have 8 pumps. And if a winter storm is coming? Shoot. When a winter storm is forecast the cars are often stacked 4 or 5 deep at the pumps. You got a hotdog? I'm so jealous of you. Your store has an in-club food court? My store got rid of their food court in January 2018, which is 10 months before I started working there. They were using the space for storage and over the summer they demolished the space to put in a bigger optical center that will be offering in-club eye exams. The old optical center has been turned into an in-club pick up area for online orders.
Friday one of the other Manager's SM comes up to me after I've clocked in for my shift. SM has been a manager at my location since May. She replaced DT, who went to the store where SM had worked. SM has also been with the company for 22 years.

SM: I hear you're quitting on me.
Me: I may be.
SM: Why?
Me: *Explains to SM about the bad review AG gave me and how I disagree with it.*
SM: I disagree with the review she gave you. You've improved in the six months I've been here. Unfortunately I can't change the review. Are we good? You're going to stay?
Me: I'll let you know my decision by the end of today.

As SM was leaving at 3:30 on Friday.

SM: So you're staying right?
Me: Yeah I'm staying.
SM: Thanks. See you next week.
Me: Have a nice weekend.

So I'm keeping my job there. I'll work another crazy holiday season out in the parking lot. All day Friday the co-workers I had told I was quitting, I told them that SM was begging me not to quit. AG later told me she changed her mind and if I improve my job performance she'll consider me for another position in February.
Friday one of the other Manager's SM comes up to me after I've clocked in for my shift. SM has been a manager at my location since May. She replaced DT, who went to the store where SM had worked. SM has also been with the company for 22 years.

SM: I hear you're quitting on me.
Me: I may be.
SM: Why?
Me: *Explains to SM about the bad review AG gave me and how I disagree with it.*
SM: I disagree with the review she gave you. You've improved in the six months I've been here. Unfortunately I can't change the review. Are we good? You're going to stay?
Me: I'll let you know my decision by the end of today.

As SM was leaving at 3:30 on Friday.

SM: So you're staying right?
Me: Yeah I'm staying.
SM: Thanks. See you next week.
Me: Have a nice weekend.

So I'm keeping my job there. I'll work another crazy holiday season out in the parking lot. All day Friday the co-workers I had told I was quitting, I told them that SM was begging me not to quit. AG later told me she changed her mind and if I improve my job performance she'll consider me for another position in February.

sounds like you got "Jedi Mind Tricked". the force must had been really strong with the SM.
Friday one of the other Manager's SM comes up to me after I've clocked in for my shift. SM has been a manager at my location since May. She replaced DT, who went to the store where SM had worked. SM has also been with the company for 22 years.

SM: I hear you're quitting on me.
Me: I may be.
SM: Why?
Me: *Explains to SM about the bad review AG gave me and how I disagree with it.*
SM: I disagree with the review she gave you. You've improved in the six months I've been here. Unfortunately I can't change the review. Are we good? You're going to stay?
Me: I'll let you know my decision by the end of today.

As SM was leaving at 3:30 on Friday.

SM: So you're staying right?
Me: Yeah I'm staying.
SM: Thanks. See you next week.
Me: Have a nice weekend.

So I'm keeping my job there. I'll work another crazy holiday season out in the parking lot. All day Friday the co-workers I had told I was quitting, I told them that SM was begging me not to quit. AG later told me she changed her mind and if I improve my job performance she'll consider me for another position in February.

There you go good karma coming back around.
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