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California on Fire Watch

i don't know which is worse, having a electric company cut power to stop a wildfiire or them not trying to prevent one and get sued for it when a entire city burns down tothe point of no return where there's no hope of rebuilding and land burned and the ruins of buildings getting abandoned.

i hate to be in Califonia right now. i don't know if TXU/Oncor or NRG/Reliant or any other power companies have plans to prevent wildfires, but i'm sure they run things better than PG&E. in fact they were part of the reason for Califonia's power crisis in 2000-2001 in which Califonia had periods of blackouts. it lead to Enron's dwnfall.


Update on the fallout on the fire in the San Fernando Valley.

SYLMAR, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- All evacuees were able to return home over the weekend as containment of the Saddleridge Fire increased after leaving one person dead, burning over 7,900 acres, damaging or destroying 31 structures and forcing about 100,000 people from their homes in parts of northern San Fernando Valley.

The Los Angeles Unified School District tweeted that all schools would be open Monday. Community colleges that were affected by the fire were also planning to return to their regular schedules.
Up here in the Gold Country we are awaiting our second "Public Service Power Shutdown" in less than 2 weeks at 2pm today. Last time, we did not have any wind gusts over 10mph. Sounds like a similar issue this time around. However, PG&E has been bumping the expected time of the blackout up. First, midnight, then 5am, now 2pm.

People are spitting mad up here. Generators are not cheap to purchase or run! Also, what about that clean air stuff California prides itself on? Not really happening when 20 generators are running on any given subdivision or street nonstop! If this is the new normal, expect people's already dim view of the power monopoly in NorCal to get even bleaker. It's kind of unusual to hear folks in a notoriously conservative part of CA not freaked out at the concept of state ownership.
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