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Impeachment Hearings

Hi gang....I have not watch much of the hearings.Boring as usual and rather watch TPIR at 11AM if I'm not working.

Question for the pros..How much bucks $$$$$$ is the networks and its affiliates loosing as they carry these hearings or other broadcasts like it.Do they take a loss or get reimburse from somebody...Never mind the regular programming never gets aired..Also are these hearings mandatory to air by the FCC........

I posted this earlier, but today WBBJ in Jackson, TN dropped the impeachment hearings at 11 AM CT and carried their regular schedule of Jeopardy and local news. They may have had to go back to the hearings on ABC at Noon, but it looks like they have decided not to let the hearings pre-empt local programming, and I won't be surprised if more stations do this if the hearings get ridiculously long.

Perhaps another option could be for CBS, NBC, and ABC to provide a feed for the hearings that could be carried on their affiliates subchannels and to stick to regular programming on the primary station. What won't surprise me will be for stations to shuffle the hearings off to a subchannel during local times if they go on for too long.
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Perhaps another option could be for CBS, NBC, and ABC to provide a feed for the hearings that could be carried on their affiliates subchannels and to stick to regular programming on the primary station. What won't surprise me will be for stations to shuffle the hearings off to a subchannel during local times if they go on for too long.

This is what the Fox O&Os are doing, at least the ones that are duopolies. Here in Phoenix, the hearings have aired on KUTP Channel 45, aka Fox 10 Extra. I believe other O&Os are doing the same.
This is what the Fox O&Os are doing, at least the ones that are duopolies. Here in Phoenix, the hearings have aired on KUTP Channel 45, aka Fox 10 Extra. I believe other O&Os are doing the same.

KTVU Fox 2 has the Impeachment Coverage on KTVU + and the KTVU Website though for impeachment broadcasts.

But in NYC WNYW-TV Fox 5 will air the Impeachment on their website.
East Tennessee PBS issued a statement about why they weren't carrying the impeachment hearings, but remaining with their childrens' lineup. Commenters weren't happy and were accusing them of political bias in this deep red state with a couple of blue islands.

Wonder why they didn't dump it on a subchannel like WCTE did...
WBBJ in Jackson, TN dropped the hearings from ABC on 7.1 from 11 AM CT to noon for Jeopardy and local news again today. They carried them from 9 to 10 AM though when Kelly and Ryan would normally be on, but they probably didn't have a live show today because of the hearings. WBBJ also dropped the hearings from CBS on 7.3 from noon to 12:30 for local news. But as of now (2:15 CT) they're staying with the hearings instead of going to regular syndicated afternoon programming. I still think that this could be a start to local stations either dropping the hearings or putting them on a subchannel during times for local programming and I won't be surprised if it happens more often if these hearings continue to drag out and CBS, NBC, and ABC continue to carry full coverage on all 3 networks.
Some of the viewers do not have Cable Subscriptions though and the impeachment hearings should be on many venues as possible from streaming to OTA. And in some parts of the country Local TV stations might pre-empt the impeachment hearings for local breaking news in some cases and streaming might be the only place to watch the hearings. Also you have to factor in 2020 campaign coverage too when it comes to the Impeachment hearings if you live in a battleground state though.

Well next November when most likely people will hardly remember this impeachment hearing like the kavanaugh hearing last year and Trump is unfortunately going to probably by re elected again hopefully you will understand my logic around this impeachment hearing being meaningless.

Right-leaning TV network Sinclair Broadcast Group appears to have skipped Tuesday’s impeachment hearings in the House of Representatives.

Stephanie Ruhle of NBC was happy to jump into its abandoned seat. She posted a picture of her press pass on the vacant Sinclair seat on Twitter.

“Well–no risk of @WeAreSinclair popping up with comments,” she tweeted. “On this historic day, their decision not to come has resulted in me getting a seat.”

Here we are in another impeachment hearing at the press corp
WSB (750) has been carrying this thing wall to wall. Its got to be affecting their 4th quarter ad revenue results.
I can tell you the clients buy the AM. The FM is a freebie.
FM Talk hasn't really worked well in this market. Remember Y106.7?
I can tell you the clients buy the AM. The FM is a freebie.
FM Talk hasn't really worked well in this market. Remember Y106.7?

No, clients buy "WSB".

And they buy the audience size.

There are reports that have leaked out that over 80% of the listening is now on the FM. This parallels similar situation such as WFAN and its FM simulcast in NYC, where nearly all listening is on the FM now.

WSB has done a good job showing advertisers that with the FM they now reach many more of the desirable 25-54 listeners than before, and they are now up to 6th in that demo and 2nd in 35-64.

The addition of FM has created an uptick in revenues in the last few years, a significant event in a market that has seen revenue decline overall by 4% in the last 5 years.

It would not surprise me to see the AM eventually be sold or repurposed. It has little sales value any more.

No, clients buy "WSB".

And they buy the audience size.

There are reports that have leaked out that over 80% of the listening is now on the FM.

So, do the advertisers get a 20 percent rebate or a make-good to compensate for the regular AM listeners who hear the impeachment hearing and find something else to listen to, not knowing that the regular news/talk lineup -- and the commercials -- are over on the FM side?

No, clients buy "WSB".

And they buy the audience size.

There are reports that have leaked out that over 80% of the listening is now on the FM. This parallels similar situation such as WFAN and its FM simulcast in NYC, where nearly all listening is on the FM now.

WSB has done a good job showing advertisers that with the FM they now reach many more of the desirable 25-54 listeners than before, and they are now up to 6th in that demo and 2nd in 35-64.

The addition of FM has created an uptick in revenues in the last few years, a significant event in a market that has seen revenue decline overall by 4% in the last 5 years.

It would not surprise me to see the AM eventually be sold or repurposed. It has little sales value any more.

Assuming a buyer would even emerge.
The clients will probably be billed at 50%. I think thats fair.
But did you hear yesterday afternoon that info wars and AJ was brought up? It was hard to believe that anything as serious as impeachment hearings would bring up anything as silly as info wars and AJ. Go figure.
I sorta doubt there will be a 50% discount

The clients will probably be billed at 50%. I think thats fair.
But did you hear yesterday afternoon that info wars and AJ was brought up? It was hard to believe that anything as serious as impeachment hearings would bring up anything as silly as info wars and AJ. Go figure.
The clients will probably be billed at 50%. I think thats fair.

"Fair" based on what? The clients know the actual data on the AM vs the FM. They know their spots were heard by a majority of the audience. They will be billed based on facts.
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