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Impeachment Hearings

The clients will probably be billed at 50%. I think thats fair.
But did you hear yesterday afternoon that info wars and AJ was brought up? It was hard to believe that anything as serious as impeachment hearings would bring up anything as silly as info wars and AJ. Go figure.

More likely is that clients will be shown the AM vs FM break that is available to the subscriber, and they will see that the audience level for the FM alone is essentially the same as that for the combo.

Go to https://www.wsbradio.com/ which is the official website. Nowhere does it even mention the AM (other than a link to the individual station Public Files).

If FM-only listening is a bit lower due to many talk listeners following the hearings, perhaps WSB will do what TV does when delivery is below promised levels: they give additional spots to achieve the the GRP goal of the buy.

In any case, it is very possible that the hours of the hearings will be insufficient to trigger the non-simulcast Nielsen rule, and we may never see the breakout.
Someone on another site said these are not "impeachment hearings". Those will not happen unless there are actual articles of impeachment.
Someone on another site said these are not "impeachment hearings". Those will not happen unless there are actual articles of impeachment.

That is correct. These are hearings to determine if it is appropriate to go forward with impeachment. Well, that and getting the prez's blood pressure up into the explosive zone.
That is correct. These are hearings to determine if it is appropriate to go forward with impeachment. Well, that and getting the prez's blood pressure up into the explosive zone.

Right this is not even an impeachment hearing yet so everybody should just calm down.
You don't vote on an investigation. That's why calling them "hearings" was a mistake. It's just the investigation.

There are several stages. People really should read the Constitution. It's a good civics lesson.
I just read the Constitution again and can't find where any of these stages are laid out.

How is it supposed to move from an investigation stage to a hearing stage without a vote?
Benghazi was not an impeachment case.

I've reread the Constitution three times now and it says the following about impeachment:

1) The power to impeach rests with the House (Art. I, Sec. II, clause 5)
2) The Senate shall conduct a trial, the Chief Justice will preside, and it takes 2/3 to convict (Art. I, Sec. III, clause 6)
3) The sole penalty for impeachment will be removal from office and disqualification from future office. They can't send anyone to jail. (Art. I, Sec. III, clause 7)
4) The offenses for which the President or other Federal office holder may be impeached are: Treason, Bribery, High Crimes or Misdemeanors (Art. II, Sec. IV)

And that's it. Nothing like the detailed process steps you are describing is to be found there.
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If they truly believe that Trump did something wrong then they should do their Constitutional duty and vote to impeach him.

They are not doing that. They are sticking moistened fingers in the political wind, trying to read the tea leaves, determine which way Independents are breaking and whether any Democrats sitting in purple districts will be harmed.

A real Profile in Courage that!

Either they don't actually believe that Trump did anything wrong, or they believe it but they are unprincipled. I don't see how any other conclusions are possible.
Either they don't actually believe that Trump did anything wrong, or they believe it but they are unprincipled.

This is not a reality TV show. This is government. It's a slow process. There are no commercial breaks or ratings to impress.

Congress is on break for the holidays. We'll see what happens next month. And take a chill pill.
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