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Impeachment Hearings

The perfect classic episode of "SNL" was chosen this week. The opening sketch was President Clinton responding to the House Judiciary Committee approving articles of impeachment.

Here is the update on impeachment coverage on the TV side.

The broadcast and cable networks were blanketing the start of House impeachment debate Wednesday (Dec. 18), with the public provided a window into the scarcity of parliamentary procedures as Republicans launched various efforts to delay the vote.

Related: House Dems Unveil Articles of Impeachment

The House must first vote on the rules of debate--established by the House Rules Committee, then debate the two articles--abuse of power and obstruction of Congress--then hold the debate--six hours, evenly divided--then vote on each article separately--some legislators may split their votes, supporting one article and opposing the other, though at the end of the day the President will almost certainly be impeached, after which the Senate holds a trial on removal from office, which almost certainly will not result in removal given Republican control of that body.

Rep. Diana Degette (D-Colo.) was presiding as Speaker pro tempore for the initial debate, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) expected to preside over the vote.

Here is more

NEW YORK (AP) — The impeachment drama surrounding President Donald Trump, or at least various spins on it, is a compelling television draw.

Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNN collectively averaged just under 5.4 million viewers in prime time last week, the Nielsen company said. It was a week dominated by the news of the House Judiciary Committee’s vote to impeach Trump.

That puts the news on par with the NBC, Fox and CBS entertainment networks, which each averaged between 5.4 and 5.9 million viewers last week.

Thirty-four of the 40 most-watched cable programs last week were news shows, the bulk of them on Fox News Channel.

Ellen DeGeneres’ prime-time prize giveaway proved to be a holiday season winner for NBC, which led all networks with an average of 5.9 million viewers in prime time last week.
I have three Chewy Chips Ahoy front pages this week (see, the box these go in came from the grocery store back in 1987, after the cookies were removed).

Ironically, Charlotte getting a pro soccer team got a larger headline than Trump.
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