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sam said:
What is this thread ? TMZ in a can. Half of the posts are pure crap. (1) True. Bill Frawley wasn't liked -- because he drank and held up production of the "I love Lucy" show. But Vivian Vance had no such need of an "anti-Frawley" clause. Bill Frawley died a year before "The Lucy show" went into production. (2) Applegate once dated Ed O'neill -- her daddy in "Married with Children". (3) Larry Linville left "MasH" because he hated playing the same "FF" over and over again. He wanted more cash and better scripts and was written out -- when Execs refused. (4) Most of the problems on "Eight is enough" was caused by Grady and another actor -- using drugs....you all should submit your rumors and lies to TMZ. If you are going to submit lies and rumors -- try to get them correct.

OK, Einstein, let's deal with some facts, and ONLY facts:

1) The Lucy Show ran from 1962 thru 1968, when Lucille Ball changed the program to "Here's Lucy"...


2) William Frawley lived until 1966, and worked in TV AFTER I Love Lucy...


3) I can give you the phone number of both David Faustino AND Howard Stern's office if you wish to call them liars yourself. BTW, Ed O'Neil was married during the entire run of MWC.

4) My info about Larry Linville was second-hand. A friend of mine was a friend of Linville's - a close friend. He gave me this information after Larry Linville passed away. You are also free to call him if you wish to dispute his information.

5) My Eight is Enough information came directly from a cast member. Is that good enough for you?

I don't submit lies and rumors. Too bad you can't say the same. If you're going to troll, you might try dealing with truths, that is if reality isn't too hard for you to handle.

I also don't recall TMZ reporting any lies. There are laws against slander and libel.
Prais said:
I'll grant you the Welk story sounds strange now, but Alice Lon was the lady circa 1960 - maybe earlier. Believe me, It was a FAMILY SHOW in
a much different world.

Believe it or not, nobody was showing their belly buttons or exposing breasts on tv back then (really!) . Lucy and Desi were married but slept in seperate beds. Jack Parr couldn't say TOILET (he was chastised for saying "water closet"). Welk's morals fit those times. I never heard that as the reason she left. Can you source that?

The Lawrence Welk/Alice Lon story is written in Brooks-Marsh book on The Encyclopedia Of TV Shows 1944 - whatever current publication. It's has been written in all their books on The Lawrence Welk Show in their summation of the show.
Going back to Gilligan's Island for a minute about Tina Louise. I believe that she absolutely hated the show for all 3 years that it was on. She didn't participate her voice in the 1970's cartoon version of Gilligan's Island "The New Adventures Of Gilligan" or the 1980's cartoon version "Gilligan's Planet" nor did she participate in all 3 reunion movies that they did in 1978, 1979 and 1981. At the time that Return to Gilligan's Island was being produced, Tina was working on Dallas playing one of J.R.'s secretaries and early love interest.

I don't think that I have ever seen Tina talk about her experiences on Gilligan's Island. All of the others have but not Tina.
Braves2005 said:
I don't think that I have ever seen Tina talk about her experiences on Gilligan's Island. All of the others have but not Tina.

I have seen one short interview with Tina Louise within the last several years in which she talked about her days on G.I. No new information from Tina but quite a bit from Dawn Welles - mainly about the producers battles with the network censors over clothing standards for the two girls.

IIRC, Tina said the reason she didn't like the G.I. role was she didn't want to be type cast.
Prais said:
Believe it or not, nobody was showing their belly buttons or exposing breasts on tv back then (really!)

Well actually one could see belly buttons and the like on TV back in those days...in commercials !! A few years back I was checking out archive.org and watched an old B&W commercial from the early 60s for Belair Cigarettes. The ad was filmed at a beach. No shortage of girls in bikinis, belly buttons & breasts there..all puffing away on their Belairs. It is interesting how the networks back then how they were so concerned about belly buttons and such like in the case of Dawn Wells ( Gilligan's Island ) or even Barbara Eden ( I Dream of Jeannie ) yet OTOH it seemed they really could care less about such things when it came to commericals such as those for QT Suntan Lotion or Belair Cigarettes.
Wife just told me Kate & Leonardo couldn't stand each other while filming Titanic (movies can count too). I didn't know that one, but since she saw the movie 28, yes, 28 TIMES I'd say she's a Titanic freak & has seen her share of interviews & dirt. :eek:
Braves2005 said:
Prais said:
I'll grant you the Welk story sounds strange now, but Alice Lon was the lady circa 1960 - maybe earlier. Believe me, It was a FAMILY SHOW in
a much different world.

Believe it or not, nobody was showing their belly buttons or exposing breasts on tv back then (really!) . Lucy and Desi were married but slept in seperate beds. Jack Parr couldn't say TOILET (he was chastised for saying "water closet"). Welk's morals fit those times. I never heard that as the reason she left. Can you source that?

Another place is "How Sweet It Was" by Arthur Shulman and Roger Youman.
I've also seen on a Welk website (not sure which) that Ms. Lon wanted a salary
increase and that Welk wouldn't give it to her. Welk apparently tried to get her
back, to no avail.

And speaking of newscasters (mention of Sam Donaldson and Diane Sawyer),
how about Harry Reasoner and Barbara Walters? That situation got so bad that
the two were never seen together on camera.

The Lawrence Welk/Alice Lon story is written in Brooks-Marsh book on The Encyclopedia Of TV Shows 1944 - whatever current publication. It's has been written in all their books on The Lawrence Welk Show in their summation of the show.
bpatrick said:
Braves2005 said:
Prais said:
I'll grant you the Welk story sounds strange now, but Alice Lon was the lady circa 1960 - maybe earlier. Believe me, It was a FAMILY SHOW in
a much different world.

Believe it or not, nobody was showing their belly buttons or exposing breasts on tv back then (really!) . Lucy and Desi were married but slept in seperate beds. Jack Parr couldn't say TOILET (he was chastised for saying "water closet"). Welk's morals fit those times. I never heard that as the reason she left. Can you source that?

Another place is "How Sweet It Was" by Arthur Shulman and Roger Youman.
I've also seen on a Welk website (not sure which) that Ms. Lon wanted a salary
increase and that Welk wouldn't give it to her. Welk apparently tried to get her
back, to no avail.

And speaking of newscasters (mention of Sam Donaldson and Diane Sawyer),
how about Harry Reasoner and Barbara Walters? That situation got so bad that
the two were never seen together on camera.

About newscasters who did NOT get along with each other...what about the late great Jessica Savitch? I remember hearing how David Brinkley HATED her and the feeling was dittos with Savitch towards Brinkley.

And what about the local anchors? Many years ago I had the chance to tour a local West Virginia FOX affiliate ( ok...the now defunct WYVN-TV 60 out of Martinsburg, West Virginia ). While I was there I had the chance to watch their local "FOX 60 News at Ten" from the control booth. I don't remember his name but their weatherman..all smiles and so nice on the air. But once the camera was off every other word out of his mouth was the "f" word and he kept going on about how "WYVN sucks"and "West Virginia sucks" and that some of their reporters and staff were "worthless". During one commercial break things had got so bad that the two anchors told, no screamed to the weatherman to ...well lets just say it made me blush.
mleach said:
And what about the local anchors? Many years ago I had the chance to tour a local West Virginia FOX affiliate ( ok...the now defunct WYVN-TV 60 out of Martinsburg, West Virginia ). While I was there I had the chance to watch their local "FOX 60 News at Ten" from the control booth. I don't remember his name but their weatherman..all smiles and so nice on the air. But once the camera was off every other word out of his mouth was the "f" word and he kept going on about how "WYVN sucks"and "West Virginia sucks" and that some of their reporters and staff were "worthless". During one commercial break things had got so bad that the two anchors told, no screamed to the weatherman to ...well lets just say it made me blush.

Here's an all-time classic from Paul Moyer and Ann Martin of CBS2 in Los Angeles, both now departed from the station, when the mic was left on during a break:

RicoGregg said:
mleach said:
And what about the local anchors? Many years ago I had the chance to tour a local West Virginia FOX affiliate ( ok...the now defunct WYVN-TV 60 out of Martinsburg, West Virginia ). While I was there I had the chance to watch their local "FOX 60 News at Ten" from the control booth. I don't remember his name but their weatherman..all smiles and so nice on the air. But once the camera was off every other word out of his mouth was the "f" word and he kept going on about how "WYVN sucks"and "West Virginia sucks" and that some of their reporters and staff were "worthless". During one commercial break things had got so bad that the two anchors told, no screamed to the weatherman to ...well lets just say it made me blush.

Here's an all-time classic from Paul Moyer and Ann Martin of CBS2 in Los Angeles, both now departed from the station, when the mic was left on during a break:


Absolutely hysterical! My favorite line was Moyers: "You want Harold Greene? You just might get him!". Gotta give Moyers 2 points for that one. i guess Moyers was implying that Martin tossed back a few cocktails between the 6:00 and 11:00 newscasts.

By the way, the Ernie Anderson intro at the end indicates it was KABC-TV Eyewitness News.
Heston was a Democrat in 1964 and supported Lyndon B. Johnson, although he said in his memoir that he began then to realize what Barry Goldwater said made a lot of sense.

Carroll O'Connor was a liberal guy and I don't think he was a racist (although some liberals are racists). When I interviewed former New York Mayor John V. Lindsay a number of years ago, we ended up talking about Archie Bunker and he said O'Connor did a commercial for him in his 1972 Presidential campaign.
Lkeller said:
By the way, the Ernie Anderson intro at the end indicates it was KABC-TV Eyewitness News.

LKeller is correct. My confusion came from everyone involved also worked at KCBS/2 at some point.
Linda Lavin of "Alice" was a diva towards Polly Holliday (who was moved to her own series) and Diane Ladd (who left the show after a year).
TheEvangelistofNews said:
Heston was a Democrat in 1964 and supported Lyndon B. Johnson, although he said in his memoir that he began then to realize what Barry Goldwater said made a lot of sense.

Carroll O'Connor was a liberal guy and I don't think he was a racist (although some liberals are racists). When I interviewed former New York Mayor John V. Lindsay a number of years ago, we ended up talking about Archie Bunker and he said O'Connor did a commercial for him in his 1972 Presidential campaign.

Yes - there are liberal racists, but O'Connor was not one of them. I don't think you could play Bunker and be a racist. Those who say he's a racist have to be confusing the character he played with the Archie role. It's like thinking Stephen Colbert is a conservative.

I was never a fan of In the Heat of the Night - I only saw one or two shows, but if I remember correctly, his character (Chief Gillespie) was not a racist. The Gillespie character played by Rod Steiger in the movie definitely was a racist, though he ended up respecting Tibbs (Sidney Poitier) by the end of the movie.

It was widely known that Howard Rollins troubles on the TV show were of his own making, and if anything, O'Connor gave Rollins more breaks and second chances than most producers would have
It's well known that most of the cast of the original Beverly Hills 90210 didn't like Shannen Doherty (Brenda) but that must have been especially true of Luke Perry (Dylan). Supposedly he intentionally had bad breath during one of Dylan's and Brenda's many makeout scenes. I remember one or the other of them talking about during an interview. But it didn't come up on the reunion show, on which they both appeared!
It's not TV related, but I have heard for years Ronnie Dunn and Kix Brooks of Brooks and Dunn don't partically care for each other. They tolerate each other for business purposes but have verry little to do with each other when Brooks and Dunn are not performing. I've heard that it goes back to when their record label, Arista Records, put them together as a duet back in the early '90's.
From what I've read, John Belushi & Chevy Chase didn't care for each other on SNL..
I heard Brad (arm) Pitt didn't bathe much & the b.o stench overpowered & annoyed many cast & crew members when filming Lestat & others.
As for Huntley and Brinkley, the two actually liked and respected each other.
The two, however, had different personalities.
Brinkley was shy. Huntley was more outgoing.

The only public disagreement was during the AFTRA Strike of 1967. Brinkley stayed off the air. Huntley crossed the picket line. He did not see the point in newscasters belonging in the same union as entertainers.
Coincidentally or not, this was around the same time Walter Cronkite and CBS overtook NBC in the news ratings.
nightfly61 said:
I heard Brad (arm) Pitt didn't bathe much & the b.o stench overpowered & annoyed many cast & crew members when filming Lestat & others.

Brad Pitt is also a BIG time cigarette smoker. For the longest time it was hard NOT to find a pic of him without a cigarette. Don't bathe & Marlboros..YUCK
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